#tootcommunity :mastodon:
The incoming spam from .social buried our database server, causing the website to be intermittently unavailable.
Allowed it some room to grow, we should be good now.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
The instance #tootcommunity :mastodon: is fully run by volunteers, and we have no other means of income to pay our bills besides people donating. 💰
If you enjoy this instance, please consider doing a one-off donation or setting up something recurring. You'd be helping us a great deal with paying for all the infrastructure. ❤️
@mijndert @DulceMaria @jorijn I thank everyone involved with #tootcommunity. I am grateful.
I want to take some time for a shoutout to the silent force behind #tootcommunity.
@DulceMaria makes sure this is a safe and enjoyable community for all. Without her tireless efforts, this community would not be the same. We are lucky to have her as part of our team.
#tootcommunity update: I deleted the :ablobcathyper: emoji because it might cause epilepsy (trust me, I have it).
First of all, remember you’re here because @jorijn provided this place out of kindness. 💙
The instance #tootcommunity is fully run by @jorijn and volunteers.
They pay ongoing costs for the infrastructure.
If you enjoy this instance, please consider doing a one-off donation or setting up something recurring. You'd be helping a great deal with paying for all the infrastructure.
We’ve been getting a lot of reports for mastodon.top. Until there’s sign of life from their end, we’re limiting their instance to protect our users. Legitimate people on that instance can still be followed and interacted with.
#tootcommunity has been updated while we slept https://github.com/toot-community/kubernetes/commit/ab6f64445bb0383c719244cb4c24b353181a8f4d
Doing some minor sysadmin stuff to upgrade all components that make #tootcommunity tick. It's a matter of getting my PR merged and ArgoCD picks it up from there. No other human intervention needed.
It's been a bit quiet on my end.
#tootcommunity is running on its own, little to no intervention needed. I've also been playing #Destiny2 a lot since the new DLC and started a new job.
O app #Mastodon para #Android deu pau. Não carregou meu feed e nem minhas notificações. Então, loguei agora na versão do navegador para celular. Tive um probleminha tb pq deu #erro específico na #tootcommunity como se eu estivesse bloqueando #cookies, sendo que não estou. 🤔
#mastodon #android #erro #tootcommunity #Cookies
The Mastodon version for #tootcommunity was upgraded to v4.1.0 this morning. What changed?
Yay for us, too bad for them ! Welcome aboard #tootcommunity, an instance that is better than ALL the others anyway ! 😝
Looks like Mastodon v4.1.0 is out. Got a bunch of stuff to do this weekend so I’ll upgrade somewhere Monday/Tuesday. No downtime expected.
@jorijn good evening .. i have just noticed that all of my timelines have frozen again .. its been working great for the past 24 hours and about 10 mins ago its all stopped again .. just a heads up
The best thing about not being on Twitter ever again is: not being on Twitter ever again. #mastodon #itsbetterhere #tootcommunity
#mastodon #itsbetterhere #tootcommunity
i see the #tootcommunity sys admins have done a great job ..time lines are back working again and that makes me happy thank you