My toots are now searchable đ
via #tootfinder
All toots of mine:
@Resister What do you think about this?
Would you want this instance to opt-in?
@_ohcoco_ is an opt-in searchable database of posts (aka, toots).
The website has more info on how to join and how to search:
Was ist denn Eure Meinung zu #tootfinder? Offenbar kann man sich hier in einen durchsuchbaren Index aufnehmen lassen. Sollte ich das tun oder ist das eine schlechte Idee?
@buercher Is just too old?
There are a few other instances where I talked about World Chase Tag but just used the hashtag. If #Tootfinder is just exact text search, they may not show up.
Um das Problem zu lösen, meine eigenen Posts nicht mehr zu finden, hab ich mich jetzt selbst auf den #Index gesetzt, bei #Tootfinder
Geht recht easy, hilft mit, vlt auch anderen, denn die #Crossover #Suchfunktion ist bei #Mastodon ausbaufÀhig.
Wer sich auch auf den #Index setzen will, hier entlang
P.S. kann man auch wieder rĂŒckgĂ€ngig machen
#index #tootfinder #crossover #Suchfunktion #Mastodon
Forresten, du kan sjekke #tootfinder pÄ, som er et prosjekt som samler inn toots via opt-in, uten at det trenger Ä vÊre lagret pÄ din instans. #norskTut
Jeg vet ikke helt on det fÄr nok massefart til Ä overleve, men tanken er god.
I think opt-in search is great. I have signed up for @buercher's #TootFinder, but few people have. What if something like that was the default search in the UI, and people were encouraged opt-in when they signed up?
Even though (a) my profile is visible to Tootfinder, and (b) I post relatively frequently about World Chase Tag, a Tootfinder search for World Chase Tag never finds anything. Anyone know why?
Meine Tröts sind jetzt bei #Tootfinder indexiert und durchsuchbar. Mal schauen, was es bringt.
@th_willenbrink es gibt ja auch noch den #Tootfinder aber der ist ja Opt-in und liefert zzt noch weniger Treffer als die Hashtag-Suche ;-)
Global post search experiment is powered by
It's an **OPT-IN** search index. Once you follow the steps there, your toots will be searchable in trunks as well.
NOTE: Global post search is not available on web for the time being.
That's interesting! has instance level opt-in now.
"All public posts from this instance are indexed by"
#tootfinder #index #MastoAdminTip
Not perfect but #tootfinder now also offers instance opt-in as a second widening step
If such policies can be established then other search engines could follow.
Help improve the searchablility and reach of Mastodon! Opt in to being searchable via Tootfinder!
#Fediverse #Mastodon #tootfinder #search
#search #tootfinder #Mastodon #Fediverse
Help improve the searchablility and reach of Mastodon! Opt in to being searchable via Tootfinder!
#Fediverse #Mastodon #tootfinder #search
#search #tootfinder #Mastodon #Fediverse
I am abnormally interested in how #tootfinder functions - to the extent that I am tempted to make my own version locally just to understand the algorithms.
I have no idea why this particular project has peaked my interest and yet it has.
If you'd like a more searchable #Mastodon, #TootFinder is great.
Have a look and consider opting in.