Boy lost his first tooth. Now we are checking NASDAQ to figure out going #toothfairy rate.
Happy Wednesday!
#Teeth #ToothFairy #GoodQuestion #horror #MotherSuspiriasMorningMeme @horror
#teeth #toothfairy #goodquestion #horror #mothersuspiriasmorningmeme
@andregasser I agree with Amy, doubling down is a valid option here. If that doesn't work for you, though, now would really be the best time for another rename. How about one of the other options from the original name search some months ago? If you're looking for fresh options, how about #ToothFairy - or even #TootFairy?
The tooth fairy - pen and ink on watercolour paper #toothfairy #penandink #drawing #handdrawnillustration
#toothfairy #penandink #drawing #handdrawnillustration
Delta Dental conducts a survey every year for the average price the tooth fairy pays for a lost baby tooth.
This year’s average price: $5.36
#toothfairy #dental #dentistry
In parts of Europe, the Tooth Fairy is a mouse. In France and Belgium, La Petite Souris ("the little mouse") comes for the teeth and it is customary to leave out a piece of Cheese along with the tooth.
10 facts for #NationalToothFairyDay
#nationaltoothfairyday #toothfairy #teeth #fairies
I was just thinking about how when you've got a loose tooth as a little kid and you keep nudging it with your tongue, or wiggling it with your finger, because a quarter was nearly in reach of your nickel-candy-loving hands.
How much money is the #ToothFairy leaving under toothless children's pillows these days?
Pro tip: My mother's cover was blown when I found several teeth in her jewelry box. Find a better keepsake spot.
When I was in my teens, I was told one of my front teeth would fall out by the time I turned thirty. It’s a baby tooth. Now I’m past the half century mark, and it’s still hanging in there by some sort of magic. It has no root. Anything could knock it out. I’m careful never to eat with it. It wiggles when I touch it with my tongue. I hope it never comes out. #teeth #BabyTeeth #ToothFairy
MDMRNia: I lost a tooth today!
Me: You better get upstairs and make sure your floor is clean so the Tooth Fairy doesn't trip on anything
MDMRNia: Doesn't the Tooth Fairy fly?
Me: ...
MDMRNia: ...
Me: Go clean your room.
Tags: #Parenting #ToothFairy #Silly
A short story in 3 photos:
Both dogs were playing a quick game of fetch in the back with hubz. They collided. One knocked the other in the face and I believe we have a broken tooth situation now.
Good thing I already had a vet appointment for the one for this Monday, which will now include both dogs. Won't the vet be surprised!
#teenagepuppies #mydogrocks #accidentshappen #saturdayshenanigans #pitmix #shepherdmix #staffymix #toothfairy #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs #fediversepets
#teenagepuppies #mydogrocks #accidentshappen #saturdayshenanigans #pitmix #shepherdmix #staffymix #toothfairy #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs #fediversepets
Sorry for the screengrab of a tweet, but this is delightful. I cannot help but read this in Iliza Schlesinger's Ye Olde Pharmacy Witch voice. For reference:
#tradition #toothfairy #childhood
@ryanschultz I feel like this urban legend should persist, though. Like the #ToothFairy and #Santa. It brings a certain degree of joy thinking about how this individual could so boldly and blindly sabotage himself.
Take me home I'm uncomfortable
#toothfairy #dwaynetherockjohnson #Movies #movie #movietime #angels #angelwings #angelic #tooth #teeth
#toothfairy #dwaynetherockjohnson #movies #movie #movietime #angels #angelwings #angelic #tooth #teeth
I adore the #literary raunch of #RobertDevereaux’s writing. I first encounter Santa Steps Out, a mind-blistering romp featuring obscene relations between #Santa, the #EasterBunny, the #ToothFairy, and more. His books are NOT for children. I just started reading #Oedipus Aroused today and I am already in love with it. I plan on reviewing this for a #LiteraryJournal. This is what my #Classics degree is for. #bookstodon #smut #book #erotica #mythology #GreekMythology
#literary #robertdevereaux #santa #easterbunny #toothfairy #oedipus #LiteraryJournal #classics #bookstodon #smut #book #erotica #mythology #greekmythology
My nephew Finley lost a tooth the other day and the #toothfairy left him £2. Today, mysteriously, he’s lost another!
He’s a smart kid, that one! 😄 #capitalismsucks
Is it ethical to teach my kid arbitrage opportunity in #toothfairy fee market?
RT @BKGcode_Models: 🐭 Mi hija empieza a tener dientes que se mueven y le hice la casita del ratoncito Pérez para imprimirla en 3D :)
#ninos #diente #teeth #toys #kids #door #toothfairy #fairy #tooth #fatina #topino #topolino #infantil #box #raton #perez #ratoncito
Imagine if, even as an adult, you believed in #santaclaus and the #toothfairy. And you'd even fight #wars and kill for that belief. That's #funny.
#santaclaus #toothfairy #wars #funny
Our oldest is about to lose his first tooth. Anyone have fun #ToothFairy traditions?
Our oldest is about to lose his first tooth. Anyone have fun #ToothFairy traditions?