I am exhausted tonight and have spent most of the night in tears. Everything is making me cry. Ugh.
An interesting article, but 400% too long.
#TrustAndSafety #Moderation #ChildSafety #Safety #Sextortion #CantThinkOfAnyMoreHashtags #TooTired
#tootired #cantthinkofanymorehashtags #sextortion #Safety #childsafety #Moderation #TrustAndSafety
Full day of work, brain fog, went for a walk after work (sun! flowers! ponies! warmth!), got home and promptly started making dinner, only to realize it was an hour too early. Whoops.
So I got some studying done before continuing making dinner.
#randomtoot #tootired #timeisaconstruct
I find curved monitors quite nice regarding 1 thing.
And you stand up and looking down at the monitor and scrolls a 2D map quickly (just as an example), such as OpenStreetMap, that map feels like it's a spherical map 😄
How long is too long to sit in front of my SAD lamp?
First #snowdrops
I felt #tootired to #walk today so hung out in my #garden for 10 minutes.
Listening to the #birdsong (Great Tits & Robins according to my Bird Net app) & spotting all the signs that #spring is on her way.
These beauties, being the most obvious. Nestled close to the wall, they are more sheltered than the rest and out a little earlier.
#gardentherapy #longcovid
#listentomybody #rest
#snowdrops #tootired #walk #garden #birdsong #spring #littlethingswhichgivemejoy #gardentherapy #LongCovid #longcovidrecovery #listentomybody #rest #slowdownandbreathe
@Madhattermommy #TooTired
There it is created.
Be careful what you ask for though.
Sending loving energy.
First day back at school after winter holiday is hard...#homeschool #tootired #sleeping
#homeschool #tootired #sleeping
Spent New Years Day deep cleaning my room (pretty much my apartment), washing and drying clothes, folding said clothes, vacuuming, and organizing my art supplies I will be using here soon. Just one more load of clothes to fold after it dries and then I'm done.
Tonight will be more Kynseed, and finishing the last page of "Light From Uncommon Stars" by Ryka Aoki (absolutely wonderful book. 5 stars all around).
I feel so accomplished. Executive disfunction disorder, and the severe daily pain from my EDS really limits these kind of moments. I shall bask in this glorious event where I got off my ass and outed the junk and dust.
#newyearsday #newyearnewme #housecleaning #executivedysfunction #EDSsucks #DisabledLifestyle #tootired
#newyearsday #newyearnewme #housecleaning #executivedysfunction #edssucks #DisabledLifestyle #tootired