@peterrisseeuw @hansbeerekamp @joosttel alleen engelstalige vinkjes op de juiste server zonder journalistieke affiliatie maken kans #tootquiz #tootquiz0000 #tootquiz1
#tootquiz1 #tootquiz0000 #tootquiz
Tonight I will launch a pilot of #tootquiz. Potentially it might replace daily #twitquiz : a nerdy kind of game. I give you a list of names, figures of words that have something in common. The first one to respond naming the right connection is the winner of the Day. #twitquiz was in Dutch language, I haven’t made my mind up if #tootquiz should Be in English.
Hopen op #tootquiz van @hansbeerekamp dan kom ik misschien weer eens hoog in het eindklassement net als 🥰 vroeger🥰