Debriefing #tootquiz000
04976, 20115, 25971, 39152, 72455, 73667, 97405, 99008
Elanor, Washington 99008, USA
Elnora, Arkansas 72455, USA
Larone, Fairfield, ME 04976, USA
Lenora, Oklahoma 73667, USA
Lerona, West Virginia 25971, USA
Lorane, Oregon 97405, USA
Lorena, Mississippi 39152, USA
Orlean, Virginia 20115, USA
#tootquiz000 The winner is @rndngs US #zipcodes for a place that is an anagram of AELRON
#tootquiz000 #hint1 nothing Dutch #hint2 zip codes #hint3 one place per code
#tootquiz000 #hint1 #hint2 #hint3
So far The pilot of #tootquiz000 has Not resulted in a correct answer. I will wait patiently , but I don’t think it will Be as speedy as #twitquiz generally.
Five Minute Warning re #tootquiz000 today’s question was suggested by @joosttel I rate it 🌶🌶 Anyone Who believes to have grasped The connection can respond (as often as you like).
Bij wijze van pilot speelt @hansbeerekamp vanavond #tootquiz000 na #twitquiz3165 (het gaat om verschillende opgaven). De winnaar van de pilot komt nog niet in een klassement. Wil vooral weten a) hoe veel van jullie daar gaan meespelen en b) hoe snel en betrouwbaar