I’m noticing that some peeps on here are being a bit stingy with the following. Don’t be. This isn’t Twitter. Share the love, and help to build this community. #MastodonIsntTwitter #ShareTheLove #FollowFolks #YouAreTheAlgorithm #TootsNotTweets #NzToots
#mastodonisnttwitter #sharethelove #FollowFolks #YouAreTheAlgorithm #tootsnottweets #NZToots
I am really enjoying #mastadon - no ads, no spam, (so far) sensible people....what was that other thing people were using again? #toomuchfun #tootsnottweets #JohnMastodonSleptHere
#mastadon #toomuchfun #tootsnottweets #johnmastodonslepthere
It's pretty bad when the #BBC are calling him out on this 🙄
Everyday I feel that my choice of leaving the #BirdSite was validated.
Let's face it, it was never Bout free speech.
#Twitter #BurningDown #BBC #Goodbye #FreeSpeech #Malware #TootsNotTweets
#bbc #birdsite #Twitter #burningdown #goodbye #freespeech #malware #tootsnottweets
@Sheril @feditips another bit of advice for the new arrivals:
Please don’t call yourselves “refugees.” You’re not a refugee. You didn’t escape a violent, repressive political regime hell-bent on killing your or your family. You left a toxic social media platform.
You are a social media immigrant, not a refugee.
#Welcome #ItsBetterHere #TootsNotTweets
#welcome #itsbetterhere #tootsnottweets
@mikegalsworthy Even with 19k accounts blocked and 107 muted it was till a right-wing cess pit. Glad to be out and not funding hate.
#twitterexodus #engagewithmastodon #tootsnottweets
The ability to #EditToots is priceless. Literally. It costs nothing here. 🤣
#editToots #itsbetterhere #mastodon #tootsnottweets #NZToots
I am only happy to see that my follower count has increased here because it means MORE OF MY OLD TWIT PALS HAVE MADE THE MOVE TO MASTODON!!
#NauMaiHaereMai #AhlanWaSahlan #WelcomeHome #ItsNicerHere #TootsNotTweets #Mastodon #NZToots
#naumaihaeremai #ahlanwasahlan #welcomehome #itsnicerhere #tootsnottweets #mastodon #NZToots
Not a fan of the retweet accounts and considered blocking them but I do miss reading what Heather Cox Richardson has to say so I’ve left them alone for now. Hope she makes the leap.
#tootsnottweets #politics
Not a fan of the retweet accounts and considered blocking them but I do miss reading what Heather Cox Richardson has to say so I’ve left them alone for now. Hope she makes the leap.
I don't know why people from #Twitter are having so much trouble with the word "toots" here when this should make them feel right at home. #Toots.
#twittermigration #tootsnottweets #LearningToToot #Toot #toots #Twitter
Ok I'm just going to ask...where else in the world is a toot another word for a fart? #tootsnottweets #Mastodon
And why are you here? #tootsnottweets