Monday night life drawing at Toowoomba Art Society. For a change I drew with pastels on A3 paper except for the last 20 minute drawing where I reverted to fountain pen and waterbrush.
#MastoArt #art #sketching #LifeDrawing #PenSketching
#mastoart #art #sketching #lifedrawing #pensketching #toowoombaartsociety #Toowoomba
Life drawing tonight at the Toowoomba Art Society. I met one of the other artists in the carpark on the way in. He complimented me on my sketches on Instagram and told me how much he admired them. 😊
I missed the last three weeks so was a bit rusty but the last three drawings turned out ok.
The model for the night was a retired exotic dancer in her 70's. She was back at TAS after a two year break.
#MastoArt #art #sketching #PenSketching #LifeDrawing #Toowoomba
#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #lifedrawing #Toowoomba #toowoombaartsociety
Last night was the second life drawing session of the year at TAS. Lots of people again.
I went large with charcoal and a little bit of white chalk.
The model was Catie @pearpurposes on Instagram.
These are what I think are my best four.
#ArtMastodon #MastoArt #Art #sketching #LifeDrawing ##Toowoomba #ToowoombaArtSociety
#artmastodon #mastoart #art #sketching #lifedrawing #Toowoomba #toowoombaartsociety
First portrait group session at TAS.
Sketch from live sitting, about 40 minutes.
Oil pastel on toned paper A3.
#MastoArt #art #OilPastels #portrait #portrature #ToowoombaArtSociety
#mastoart #art #oilpastels #portrait #portrature #toowoombaartsociety
Last night was the first session for the Live Drawing group at the Toowoomba Art Society.
Here are a few of my sketches of the beautiful Katy Woods.
#LifeDrawing #SoftPastel #ToowoombaArtSociety #art #MastoArt #portrait #fantasy
#lifedrawing #softpastel #toowoombaartsociety #art #mastoart #portrait #fantasy
Last night was the first life drawing session at Toowoomba Art Society for 2023. The model was @katyfromthewoods
I was rusty!
#ArtMastodon #MastoArt #art #drawing #PenSketch #toowoomba #LifeDrawing #ToowoombaArtSociety #TAS
#artmastodon #mastoart #art #drawing #pensketch #Toowoomba #lifedrawing #toowoombaartsociety #tas
Some sketches from Life drawing at Toowoomba Art Society last night with the excellent model Nicolette.
I used fountain pens, parallel pens and waterbrush in an A4 180gsm sketchbook.
I had trouble with the pens. The urban grey dried up and the black one dropped blots.
The waterbrush is also on its last legs!
I think I went too far with the colour but the model liked it 😀
#FountainPenSketch #LifeDrawing #PenAndWaterbrush #ToowoombaArtSociety
#art #MastoArt
#fountainpensketch #lifedrawing #penandwaterbrush #toowoombaartsociety #art #mastoart