FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
327 followers · 2168 posts · Server

My for 5

My Everest. Got the platinum. No outleveling bosses this time. Just parries and timing.

2. Village
Liked it even more than 7. RE4 vibes

3. Evil IV Remake
A Remake of an all timer

Amazing game stretched a bit too thin

5. -man: Miles Morales
More making great Spidey

#top5games #playstation #shareyourgames #sekiro #residentevil #resident #eldenring #spider #insomniac #fromsoftware #capcom #videogames #gaming

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
327 followers · 2162 posts · Server

My for Series X

1. Tale: Innocence
Star Wars set in France in black plague. Great story & characters.

2. Anniversary
Late to the party but LOVE the platforming.

3. Jedi: FallenOrder
My intro to souls-likes. Great story and Characters. Metroidvania

4. Shredder's Revenge
Amazing throwback to Turtles beat em ups

5. Kazooie
One of my favorite games.

#top5games #xbox #shareyourgames #plague #tombraider #starwars #tmnt #banjo #asobo #crystaldynamics #respawn #tribute #rare #videogames #gaming

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
325 followers · 2148 posts · Server

My for One

Amazing platforming. Sobbing by the end of the story.

Amazing and unique exploration based game. Majoras Mask vibes.

Favorite game. Stunning. X-files w/ super powers.

4. and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps
Delightful Metroidvania games.

5. 2
One of my favorite FPS games. The reason I had faith in Jedi Fallen Order.

#top5games #xbox #shareyourgames #celeste #outerwilds #control #remedy #ori #titanfall #mattmakesgames #mobiusdigital #moon #gaming #respawn #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
322 followers · 2145 posts · Server

My for

1. Prime: Remastered
A . Coining that term.

2. : Dread
The surprise new Metroid I needed. Controls like a dream.

3. The Legend of : Link's Awakening
Remake of a classic with adorable aesthetic

4. Super Odyssey
Amazing gameplay/nostalgia. Too many moons, & no overworld.

Amazing new experiment but disappointing as a Zelda game.

#top5games #switch #shareyourgames #metroid #remasterpiece #sidescroller #zelda #mario #breathofthewild #nintendo #retrostudios #gaming #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
311 followers · 2071 posts · Server

My for

1. The Legend of :
As a kid it was fun, as an adult it was profound.

2. The Legend of Zelda: A Between Worlds
The 2d Link mechanic was so good. Added so much to puzzle solving.

3. The Legend of Zelda:
Classic with a new coat of paint

4. 3d 1&2
So addicting and frustrating.

5. Super 3d Land
I preferred this to 3d World. Couldn't put it down.

#top5games #3ds #shareyourgames #zelda #majorasmask #link #ocarinaoftime #picross #mario #nintendo #retrostudios #capcom #gaming #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
310 followers · 2059 posts · Server

My for

1. Mario Galaxy
My favorite Mario game. A pure delight from beginning to end.

2. Princess
Legend. Amazing dungeons. I don't mind the long intros. Good world building

3. Prime 3: Corruption
More of a great thing. Did sky rails long before bioshock infinite.

4. Evil 4
A classic updated with wiimote aiming.

5. : Quest for Barbados Treasure
Fun puzzle game

#top5games #wii #shareyourgames #super #twilight #metroid #resident #zackandwiki #nintendo #retrostudios #capcom #gaming #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
302 followers · 2031 posts · Server

on :

1. : Arkham Asylum
New standard for superhero games and melee combat. Amazing atmosphere.

2. 4
Love when Kojima gets weird. Great wrap up to Solid's story.

Amazing characters and development, good gameplay, and an incredible ending.

4. 3
Everything is more epic in scale, graphics, and gore

5. 2
Ground breaking for cinematic action games

#top5games #ps3 #shareyourgames #batman #metalgearsolid #thelastofus #godofwar #uncharted #sony #rocksteady #naughtydog #konami #videogames #gaming

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
302 followers · 2026 posts · Server


One of the best stealth games Ive ever played

The epic scifi/space fantasy rpg that I always wanted. (Woulve been KotoR if I played it at the time)

Super Metroid on Xbox360. Starring Nathan Drake.

4. : Reach
My favorite in the franchise so far.

5. -Man Championship Edition DX
Improved on a classic in every way imo

#top5games #xbox360 #shareyourgames #markoftheninja #masseffect #shadowcomplex #halo #pac #klei #bioware #ubisoft #teammeat #bungie #bandainamco #gaming #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
302 followers · 2018 posts · Server

My on :

1. 4
Caused my love for third person shooters

2. Prime
Super Metroid in 3d. Still my favorite first person game.

3. The Legend of : Wind Waker
Classic formula, amazing cartoon aesthetic.

4. of Persia: The Sands of Time
Wall Running & Time Bending platformer. Proto Arkham combat.

5. Super Sunshine
Mario with a jetpack in the Tropics.

#top5games #gamecube #shareyourgames #residentevil #metroid #zelda #prince #mario #nintendo #retrostudios #ubisoft #videogames #gaming

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
302 followers · 2017 posts · Server

My on :

1. 4
Started my Third person shooter love affair.

2. Prime
Still one of the best first person games ever made.

3. The Legend of : Wind Waker
Amazing aesthetic & sailing the ocean was fun

Wall running & Time bending in my platforming? AND Harem pants?!?

5. Super Sunshine
Mario w/ a jet pack in the tropics is a lot of fun.

#top5games #gamecube #shareyourgames #residentevil #metroid #zelda #princeofpersia #mario #nintendo #retrostudios #capcom #ubisoft #gaming #videogames #retro

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
302 followers · 2017 posts · Server

My on :

1. 4
Started my Third person shooter love affair.

2. Prime
Still one of the best first person games ever made.

3. The Legend of : Wind Waker
Amazing aesthetic & sailing the ocean was fun

Wall running & Time bending in my platforming? AND Harem pants?!?

5. Super Sunshine
Mario w/ a jet pack in the tropics is a lot of fun.

#top5games #gamecube #shareyourgames #residentevil #metroid #zelda #princeofpersia #mario #nintendo #retrostudios #capcom #ubisoft #gaming #videogames #retro

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
300 followers · 2011 posts · Server

My on :

1. 2
A controversial one. I do love when Kojima gets crazy.

2. 2
Amazing spectacle, puzzles, platforming. Best of the series.

You don't often see your character become the villain.

Colorful 3d platformer. Dog, try this again.

5. and the Thievius Raccoonus
Fun stealth and a precursor to another fave, Infamous

#top5games #ps2 #shareyourgames #metalgearsolid #godofwar #shadowofthecolossus #jakanddaxter #naught #slycooper #sony #konami #teamico #videogames #gaming #retro

Last updated 2 years ago

Brett Flippin · @bflipp
110 followers · 1131 posts · Server

My on :

1. Mario 64 - Parents let me hook the N64 up to the big screen in the living room on Christmas morning. Spent the rest of the day immersed.

2. Ocarina of Time - A truly open world to explore in 3D for the first time.

The next three all fall in the same bucket:
3. Goldeneye
4. Mario Kart 64
5. Gretzsky’s 3D Hockey/NFL Blitz

4 player gaming with your friends in high school/college was just the best of times.

#top5games #n64 #shareyourgames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
300 followers · 2006 posts · Server

My on :

1. The Legend of : Ocarina of Time
It was one of the greatest experiences in my childhood. Nothing like it.

2. Super 64
Couldn't stop until I had all 120 stars.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Later became my favorite in the series.

4. Kazooie
Mario but with ability upgrades. Amazing

Single player, open world, collectibles, & boss fights. Better than Mario Kart.

#top5games #n64 #shareyourgames #zelda #mario #banjo #diddykongracing #nintendo #rare #gaming #videogames #retro

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
296 followers · 1975 posts · Server

My on

Iconic. Like nothing I'd seen before. Psycho mantis was mind blowing.

2. -man
Great gameplay and powers. Impressive stealth, too.

3. 's Pro Skater
Pure joy. Amazing soundtrack. Landing the 900 was epic.

Delightful, colorful RPG. Fun characters.

Intro cutscene was 🔥. Futuristic school and summons were awesome inspiring.

#top5games #ps1 #shareyourgames #metalgearsolid #spider #tonyhawk #chronocross #finalfantasy #sony #konami #neversoft #square #gaming #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
293 followers · 1962 posts · Server

on :

1. Super RPG
My first JRPG and was mind blowing as a child.

2. Super
Ability/weapon upgrades, & exploration gated by them? Catnip

3. The Legend of : A Link to the Past
Start of my obsession. Perfect blend of structure and exploration.

4. X
Metroid-esque character progression added to classic Mega Man gameplay.

5. Super Mario World
Mario continuing to evolve beautifully.

#top5games #snes #shareyourgames #mario #metroid #zelda #megaman #nintendo #squaresoft #capcom #gaming #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy :zelda: · @FreiGuy86
293 followers · 1941 posts · Server

My on :

1. Super Bros 3
Everything from the original but better. Suits! NES at its limits.

2. 2: The Arcade Game
One of the greatest beat em ups ever made

3. Tiny Toon Adventures
Delightful platformer. Different characters with unique abilities.

4. Super Mario Bros
The first game that was my very own. Its legend status is earned.

5. Duck Tales
Amazing platformer, soundtrack, and pogo stick mechanic.

#top5games #nes #shareyourgames #mario #tmnt #capcom #nintendo #konami #gaming #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy · @FreiGuy86
291 followers · 1921 posts · Server

My on :

Amazing art style and animation. And a fun combat platformer too!

2. 3 & Knuckles
Loved additions and soundtrack, and having a knuckles expansion was mind blowing

3. 2
One of the best beat em ups ever next to TMNT

4. 2
One of the best fighting games ever

5. World of Illusion Starring Mouse and Donald Duck
Disney made good platformers

#top5games #genesis #shareyourgames #aladdin #sonic #streetsofrage #mortalkombat #mickey #sega #midway #disney #gaming #videogames #retro

Last updated 2 years ago

FreiGuy · @FreiGuy86
284 followers · 1891 posts · Server

on :

1. Jr
Great platformer. I liked it even more than the original

You could press 5 to Tarzan yell. Swinging on vines to save monkeys hanging in cages was fun.

4. Pepper 2
Zipping around squares to fill them in was very satisfying

Basic platformer but more substantial than SMURF.

Cant get more basic, but hey I was a kid.

#top5games #colecovision #shareyourgames #donkeykong #tarzan #cabbagepatchkids #smurf #gaming #videogames #retro #nintendo

Last updated 2 years ago

eve [i-vi] :heart_nb: · @eve
112 followers · 950 posts · Server

on :

1. Demon’s Souls

2. Metal Gear Solid 4

3. Batman Arkham City

4. No No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

5. Dark Souls

#top5games #ps3 #shareyourgames #sony #fromsoftware #rocksteady #level5 #konami #videogames #gaming #games

Last updated 2 years ago