22 days in a row!! 9 days and 28 miles to go!!
*3.1 miles a day for 31 days.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationJuly #Top9Percent #780km #484Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationjuly #top9percent #780km #484miles
21 days in a row!! 10 days and 31.1 miles to go!!
*3.1 miles a day for 31 days.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationJuly #Top9Percent #775km #481Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationjuly #top9percent #775km #481miles
17 days in a row!! 14 days and 43.4 miles to go!!
*3.1 miles a day for 31 days.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationJuly #Top9Percent #753km #467Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationjuly #top9percent #753km #467miles
16 days in a row!! 15 days and 46.5 miles to go!!
*3.1 miles a day for 31 days.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationJuly #Top9Percent #748km #464Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationjuly #top9percent #748km #464miles
14 days in a row!! 17 days and 52.7 miles to go!!
*3.1 miles a day for 31 days.
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationJuly #Top9Percent #738km #458Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationjuly #top9percent #738km #458miles
It was an absolutely gorgeous day for a walk!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top9Percent #546km #339Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top9percent #546km #339miles
Sunny skies and warm weather!!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top9Percent #538km #334Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top9percent #538km #334miles
With rain predicted for every day this week, I'm really hoping to get my steps in without issue!!!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Under245lbs #Top9Percent #521km #323Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #Under245lbs #top9percent #521km #323miles
I have spent way too many Saturdays sitting in my chair, drinking coffee, and watching tv. Today, it's back to Saturday morning walks! What changes can you make to improve your goals?
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMay #Top9Percent #515km #320Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmay #top9percent #515km #320miles
Just keep going.....
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #EyeOfSauronVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationApril #Under245lbs #Top9Percent #480km #298Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #eyeofsauronvirtualchallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationapril #Under245lbs #top9percent #480km #298miles
I'm setting a goal to walk every day this week and/or 15 miles in the next 5 days. What goals have you set for yourself?
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #LOTRTheFellowshipVirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMarch
#Under245lbs #Top9Percent #360km #224Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #LOTRTheFellowshipVirtualChallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmarch #Under245lbs #top9percent #360km #224miles
After a well-deserved 5-day break, it's back to it, my friends!
#220lbGoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #LOTRTheFellowshipVirtualChallenge #Route66VirtualChallenge #GettingFitAt51 #FitFederationMarch
#Under245lbs #Top9Percent #351km #218Miles
#220lbgoal #BeInspired #BeInspiring #LOTRTheFellowshipVirtualChallenge #route66virtualchallenge #gettingfitat51 #fitfederationmarch #Under245lbs #top9percent #351km #218miles