Study Shows the Most Listened to Classic Rock Artist in Every Country
See which artists were the top in every country.
#ClassicRock, #MusicLists, #TopArtists, #GlobalMusic, #GeographicTaste, #RockHistory, #ListeningHabits, #CountryComparison, #MusicIndustry, #MusicTastes #Spotify
#themetaldogarticlelist #classicrock #musiclists #topartists #GlobalMusic #geographictaste #rockhistory #listeninghabits #countrycomparison #musicindustry #musictastes #spotify
My top musical artists for 2022: 1. The Avalanches 2. Danger Mouse / Black Thought 3. David Bowie. 👏
Music I listen to when I write or to get in the zone to write!
#amwriting #writerslife #topartists
Spotify says my podium of most listened artists this year are:
1 - Brahms (I played all the Hungarian Dances a few times)
2 - Sigrid (mostly "A Driver Saved My Night", most listened song)
3 - Self Esteem (I think I played al her stuff, so yeah)
Honourable mention: Purple Disco Machine's "Dopamine"
5th most popular genre I listened to: "Chamber Psych". Um, wtf is that?
#SpotifyWrapped Intention only won the top spot because it was the first #Eurovision song to drop for 2022. No surprises among the #TopArtists.
#spotifywrapped #eurovision #topartists