Attempting a temporary 750’ #BeverageAntenna build next week for #160m #TopBand. Lots to learn.
#topband #160m #beverageantenna
You see, I have a 1/3 acre lot. Even if I COULD put the mast of my adjustable inverted vee antenna in the center of my lot (which I cannot do, there's a house in the way), the distance to the diagonal corners of the lot are not far enough apart to allow for a 160m antenna. Not unless I had a mast 135' tall (which is preposterously tall).
But what if I attach 2 slinkys to each leg, with the outer end of the outermost slinky a few feet off the ground? Could I tune that on #TopBand?
@KI5SMN I just discovered there's such a thing as a #GiantSlinky.
I dunno about you, but I think a pair of Giant Slinkys sounds perfect for those crackpots on #TopBand
It explicitly says it's for Girls and Boys.
No gender-non-binary children are allowed to play with Slinky. So, yeah... perfect for Top Band cranks.
Looking at an IQ file I made this AM of #CQWW160, and while I planned to "cheat" w/ DX Cluster to find any DX, I found one station not spotted: #N2TTT on 1985.1 kHz LSB.
His work shows how challenging DXing can be on #TopBand. He tried to work #OK2BFN yet was rogered w/ call misheard as OK2BON.
I struggled to copy him too. Took me several listens to hear Delta Echo in his report
My 1st DE on MF (none on MW) 💡
#hamr #hamradio #amateurradio #160m #mediumwave #mwdx
#mwdx #mediumwave #160m #amateurradio #hamradio #hamr #ok2bfn #topband #n2ttt #cqww160