Most impressive #Rust achievement for me is not its integration in the #Linux kernel rather have replaced almost every of my #CLI tool with better #design, #behaviors and completely natural
Very fast illustrative list:
#wezterm ⬅️ terminal
#helix ⬅️ editor
#zellij ⬅️ terminal multiplexor
#tealdeer ⬅️ tldr
#fd ⬅️ find
#ripgrep ⬅️ grep
#bat ⬅️ pager
#broot ⬅️ interactive ls
#exa ⬅️ ls
#git-delta ⬅️ git diff
#handlr ⬅️ xdg-open
#starship ⬅️ shell prompt
#topgrade ⬅️ upgrade manager
#vivid ⬅️ ls colors
#rust #linux #cli #design #behaviors #wezTerm #helix #Zellij #tealdeer #fd #ripgrep #bat #broot #exa #git #handlr #starship #topgrade #vivid
And all that I found out, because I wanted to disable the node upgrading command `pnpm` and the issue is in the archived #topgrade repo.
Okay, I did not notice, because I've installed #topgrade with `homebrew` and the Brew formula uses the maintained fork. Whew.
L’outil qui met entièrement à jour votre machine (Windows, MacOS, Linux) #mettreàjourlinux #macosmiseajour #windowsupdate #miseajour #topgrade #Libre
#libre #topgrade #miseajour #windowsupdate #macosmiseajour #mettreàjourlinux