Your best outfit will always be a smile. And when you can't smile, don't worry, your time will come and you will shine.

I feel that the smile is a universal language, we may not speak the same language but with a smile we can say a thousand things and understand each other.
Do you agree?

#happyperson #happyday #happysunday #nudist #naturist #naked #topless #toplessequality #smile #Smiley #skinnydip #skinnydipping #nudism

Last updated 1 year ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
709 followers · 6772 posts · Server

Unplanned ! Hang out with me while I draw pages for my / "day in the life of a topfree activist" !

#art #livestream #toplessequality #freethenipple #webcomic

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
705 followers · 6705 posts · Server

Lol whelp. I wanted to try to see what it offered as an explanation for why the US still has that violates by applying inequally based on "what gender you look like" (aka aka ) but they require a phone number to sign up to use it, and they won't let you use a fake virtual phone number. Fuck that then, I guess πŸ™ƒ

#chatgpt #censorship #genderequality #freethenipple #toplessequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
700 followers · 6692 posts · Server

I've got it...the perfect intersection of my fight to raise awareness of the absurdity of based on perceived gender (aka aka ) and the virality of "reacting to popular tiktok videos" ... I shall film myself...REACTING TO NUDITY ON YOUTUBE!!

Oh shit wait, I forgot, even when I put up the exact same video as a different channel, except theirs ISN'T censored but mine IS, only I get banned πŸ™ƒ

Okay back to the drawing board...

#censorship #freethenipple #toplessequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
692 followers · 6664 posts · Server

new tiktok:

love when my totally nonsexual / content gets on all these platforms like etc but accounts that post ACTUAL PORN DON'T?? this system is jacked up and absolutely stacked against who aren't " friendly" and yet when I use the very small handful of alternate websites/platforms that don't ban female nipples yet they don't allow white nationalists, conspiracy theorists, etc (the opposite of the mainstream platforms), the platforms are so empty and hard to search that no one can find my posts πŸ™ƒ

I'm so tired

#freethenipple #toplessequality #banned #mainstream #youtube #instagram #Facebook #tiktok #feminist #queer #progressive #activists #capitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
672 followers · 6415 posts · Server

hmmm 0 views on this tiktok that's been up for almost an hour, when my average is 100-1000 views. something tells me tiktok is suppressing it from showing up in timelines.

guess they don't like my idea of protesting bans against anti- legislation and bans of by having female-presenting performers go topless? /

#trans #dragshows #freethenipple #toplessequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
672 followers · 6411 posts · Server
Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
671 followers · 6403 posts · Server

seriously though how the fuck have there not been enough angel investors to put together a site that isn't INTENDED for porn that allows nonsexual female nipples and full body nudity, as well as discussions ABOUT sex, to fill the extremely wide dearth left by the fascists over at the mainstream platforms, who are totally fine with nazis and antivaxxers, but shriek in horror at so much as a female nipple or the word "sex"?

I keep talking to more and more people who think the stigma and bans are BS, , , , , and activists, , , etc etc etc, and so many of them resent the hypocritical, sexist, misogynist and so many other - ists nature of on mainstream platforms, but somehow none of us have the money or connections to start our own alternative place that, again, allows nonsexual nudity and discussions ABOUT sex (but not explicit sexual content itself, otherwise that website just becomes "a porn site" that only people looking for sexual content will visit)?

especially with the death of , which was the ONLY mainstream platform that allowed sexual content without being Platform focused ONLY on sex? there's such a huge need for it--so why? who? how do we get that ball rolling?

I don't have any money, I can't break even just on the expenses I incur on my own content. even if I did, I don't have the skills or time to set my own video hosting social network up.

and yes there's peertube, but the fact that people keep suggesting I post to peertube without knowing I ALREADY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS is exactly what's wrong with peertube--each peertube host is its own silo, with extremely confusing limitations on being able to find content from people you don't already follow, or so someone you follow shares.

and no, mastodon/the fediverse is not the answer. the reality is that the vast majority just can't figure out how to use this place. I came here out of desperation, tired of getting banned everywhere else, and even I still struggle greatly trying to find fellow activists, or even just nudists, naturists, sex workers, and others who might be inclined to agree with my mission. mastodon is great for what it is, but it's simply not worth the time investment for the majority of people. you shouldn't have to learn how to build your own computer to write an email.

anyway idk I'm just confused why we seem to be stuck in this quagmire of "all the mainstream platforms suck, but I can't get my less tech savvy friends to join mastodon, so I guess I'll just give up." surely there has to be some answer between those two extremes.

#sexworkers #sexeducators #nudists #Naturists #NormalizeNudity #toplessequality #eroticartists #eroticphotographers #censorship #twitter #freethenipple

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
671 followers · 6307 posts · Server

I do, BTW, still do longer videos specifically about , , etc, in fact here's one-

it's just that they don't show in followers' timelines because all these mainstream sites are trying to follow 's business strategy of shoving shortform videos to our goldfish-brained population ahead of all other content.

the best way to not miss any new videos is to join our Discord server and ask!

you can also sign up for my monthly newsletter that links to any new videos put out that m month!

#toplessequality #freethenipple #tiktok

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
672 followers · 6021 posts · Server

Feeling kinda anxious. I finished editing my "reacting to -safe " video and uploaded it, to go live Saturday at 3pm pst. I'm fully expecting it to get banned, even though it's just me fully clothed, reacting to years-old videos posted by other people on youtube that have been unbanned this whole time. But hey, more screenshots for my page!

#youtube #freethenipple #toplessequality #breasts

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
661 followers · 5875 posts · Server

a video response on why hearing about being passed in (or any other country in ) doesn't give me hope for here in the United Puritans of .

#toplessequality #berlin #germany #europe #freethenipple #feminism #america

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
652 followers · 5808 posts · Server

here's a Tiktok/Youtube response to certain / men who for some reason think the idea that more women don't go in public in the small handful of areas that actually allow it is "because women don't actually care about "

#nudist #naturist #topless #toplessequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
636 followers · 5702 posts · Server

New full-length interview video is (finally) up!
"Discussion about nonsexual nudity vs nudism with BunnyLuna: Agender, Ecosexual Witch | Topless Topics Interviews"

Watch uncensored here: (the censored version for Youtube will take a little while more to edit out our heinous female nipples πŸ™ƒ Even though Bunnyluna identifies as / , of course the algorithms don't care about that, they just care if you "look female" or "look male"!

(not really, but that's how all gets classified)

#nonbinary #agender #censorship #feminism #intersectionalfeminism #lgbtq #gender #genderequality #toplessequality #freethenipple #photography #nudephotography #eroticphotography #nudeart #progressive #interview #contentcreator #vlog

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
626 followers · 5658 posts · Server

NEWLY REUPLOADED: Instagram Banned my Misogynist Parody as β€œHate Speech” | Topless Topics Rants

Originally uploaded on Dec 6, 2020 to my now-banned Vimeo account, now up again on Peertube for your viewing pleasure πŸ˜ƒ

#freethenipple #toplessequality #feminism #intersectionalfeminism #censorship #genderequality #equalrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
627 followers · 5654 posts · Server
Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
623 followers · 5572 posts · Server

new tiktok for the day. why does it blow cis men's fragile little minds to understand why women would want the same protection from censorship that they enjoy?

and a second tiktok on why getting One banned video of mine restored means absolutely nothing regarding getting other videos (or even the same exact one that was just restored) from getting banned.

also available on YouTube (until they get banned):

#feminism #intersectionalfeminism #genderequality #toplessequality #topfreeequality #freethenipple #NormalizeNudity #sexism #misogyny

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
622 followers · 5561 posts · Server brief new video about why women and femme presenting people could possibly not want to go in public, even in the tiny handful of places where is legal πŸ™ƒ

#topless #genderequal #toplessequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
612 followers · 5444 posts · Server

got a bunch of vinyl slogans cricut and previously weeded vinyls heat pressed a variety of shirt sizes and styles... including some sports bras for me to wear in videos ❀️ I know the majority of my supporters are male, on fixed incomes, and in conservative areas where wearing even cartoon boobs would probably get them in trouble, so I doubt few people would be interested in buying my shirts. still, maybe I can at least give some away. so if you're a supporter and you want a free t-shirt, let me know in our discord server what size you are and phrase you want!

#freethenipple #toplesstopics #toplessequality

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
607 followers · 5435 posts · Server

Now ! Today I'm flexing my skills to create T-shirt designs in ! Hang out with me so I can ask you for live feedback on which designs are better :D

#livestreaming #graphicdesign #freethenipple #toplessequality #adobe #illustrator

Last updated 2 years ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
601 followers · 5391 posts · Server

If you're curious, here's the Instagram post I made sharing a screenshot of Adidas' own post that features barely-censored female nipples in it, so I can see how long I, a non-famous, -unapproved activist can get away with the same thing before -my- post gets πŸ˜œβ€‹

If the link doesn't work, that means the post got banned!

#patriarchy #toplessequality #banned #feminism #genderequality #censorship #sexequality #equalrights

Last updated 2 years ago