The energy visualisation app on now uses a 3rd party remote server to run the energy simulations and returns #gbxml and openstudio OSM files to the web app so the user can download them. #topologicpy @osarch
If you are a geek like me, you will appreciate the significance of this. The building below was analysed using #topologicpy @NREL #openstudio, and #EnergyPlus on a remote server connected to @VIKTORai and the resulting @plotly figure returned and displayed in the web app! (@osarch)
#energyplus #openstudio #topologicpy
The new 0.4.11 release of #topologicpy added Vertex.InterpolateValue. This allows it to derive the value of a vertex based on a weighted average of the n nearest vertices from an input list of other vertices. This can help speedup #spacesyntax, daylight calculations or, when combined with Topology.ReplaceVertices, in creating a terrain model from a few spot elevations.
The jupyter notebook has been published to github at:
It's called a bottleneck for a reason! Congestion analysis in #topologicpy. This visualization shows you the paths most travelled. The sources are half the perimeter and the destination is the other half. This is a really good way to place corridors and footpaths. @osarch #osarch
Lately I have been on a mission to make topologicpy methods as concise as possible. If you notice below, Edge.ByFaceNormal() and Topology.Show() are new. Plus, I have settled on a default translucent white colour and expressed vertices for a more sketch-like look. #topologicpy @osarch
I have released a new version of #topologicpy (0.0.25) that integrates #graph #machinelearning You can install via pip install topologicpy —upgrade (@osarch )
#machinelearning #graph #topologicpy
I am delighted to share that I have signed an edited book contract with @WileyGlobal tentatively titled “A Building is a Graph”. The aim of the book is to present the state-of-the-art research in graph representations of buildings and processes, #ai, graph #machinelearning, #topologicpy
#topologicpy #machinelearning #ai
This is the basic architecture behind #topologicpy. The top-right two squares are future work.
If you are looking for the #topologicpy API documentation, it can be found here:
@duncan_lithgow @theoryshaw @brunopostle I plan on always adding a #topologicpy so hopefully this will make my toots easier to discover
The documentation of the core classes of #topologicpy is complete. Please report any mistakes or omissions. If you want to try the latest features including Face.Harmonize, download the latest release (0.0.19) using “pip install topologicpy —upgrade”
Today’s progress: In 3D models, it is not always guaranteed that faces are oriented in a consistent manner. When it comes time to place elements or grids (especially if they are not symmetric), the results can be unsatisfactory (left). #topologicpy can now harmonise all faces (right). #osarch
There is a definite data sciency feeling to combining #topologicpy with @ProjectJupyter and @plotlygraphs. Find the new version (0.0.15) on pypi