Should be interesting, unfortunately, I cannot attend, as it clashes with another mapping event: #placenames #logainm #toponyms
#placenames #logainm #toponyms
An issue long overdue. Far too many eponyms, like most toponyms, are the hangover of white male colonialism. Many such toponyms have reverted to historical, often locally used or descriptive names. Will scientific eponyms follow suit? Or begin anew? #NamingStandards #eponyms #toponyms #speciesnames
#speciesnames #toponyms #eponyms #namingstandards
en. : interests :
fr. : intérêts :
#contes #toponymie #environnement #ṕhoto #synthetiseurmodulaire #improvisationlibre #paysagesonore #musiqueexperimentale #ethnomusicologie #musiquetraditionnelle #musique #storytelling #folklore #toponyms #nature #photo #occitan #fieldrecording #modularsynth #freeimprovisation #soundscape #experimentalmusic #ethnomusicology #traditionnalmusic #music
While looking into how Asturian towns happened in the places that they did (some in rather inhospitable spots) I happened upon this interesting article about Locational Fundamentals. Now I have to wonder what the path dependencies were to plop so many villages on top of hills with no water source.
#toponyms #village #asturias #settlement