I still think often about replacing all my #customkeyboards with #topre switches. They’re so uniqiue even with softer gram switches.
Just populated my #atreus keyboard with kailh midnight pro silent switches. (tactile)
Closest i could get to #topre switches, which is my favourite
The folks over at https://unrealkeyboards.com/ modified my HHKB Pro Hybrid Type-S with with some new 60g domes, sliders, lubrication, and other upgrades to make this Type-S even dreamier. It’s a joy to type on!
#keyboard #hhkb #topre
There’s a few silver aluminum Heavy Grails that just came in-stock. Check them out! https://shop.norbauer.com/products/the-heavy-grail-hhkb-housing #hhkb #topre #mechanicalkeyboards
There’s also some heavy-9s and norbaforces available as well. Final call!
#hhkb #topre #mechanicalkeyboards
uhhh introduction part 2, I guess?
I'm also a nursing student - clear disclaimer about how you should do your best to talk to a doctor or other HCP if you need help.
as for other minor hobbies:
- definitely into #baseball (blue jays, white sox); can vibe with other sports
- daily listen to #rock, #jrock, #jpop, #anisong; can vibe with anything
- kinda into #mechanicalkeyboards, I type on a #topre novatouch
I think that's the extent of what I wanted to say, hopefully
#introduction #baseball #rock #anisong #jrock #jpop #mechanicalkeyboards #topre
The realforce r3 and 87u side by side for comparison … the r3 comes with fully remappable firmware, 4 bluetooth profiles + usb, per-key APC and heatmapping software to dial it in … pretty neat #keyboards #topre
The realforce r3 is a very nice mix of oldschool realforce styling and modern capabilities with 45g silenced topre switches … digging it very much so far #topre #keyboards #realforce
@anticomputer It's .. It's beautiful. Are the #topre switches as interesting as they sound?
A #norbauer enclosed realforce 45g uniform #topre build … this is usually my daily and it weighs a metric crapton #keyboards
@tacosandlinux I’m big on #topre stuff so my daily is a 45g uniform silenced realforce in a norbauer enclosure. I use my leopold fc660c a ton too and have been trying to get used to the layout of a HHKB Pro Classic as of late because it’s such a nice laptop companion/travel keyboard. If I feel frisky I hop to one of my split keyboards, the Atreus being the most prominent in that lineup (shoutout technomancy) :)
Nice, Realforce released a new 45g #topre board in the old 87u styling but with bluetooth and all that: https://www.realforce.co.jp/en/products/R3HD11/ #keyboards
@jesse I so wish I could accept ergonomics matter more than aesthetics but I put too much effort into my nerd #nopre (#topre) #mechanicalkeyboard build and therefore I tell myself it’s superior. Damn you, brain.
#mechanicalkeyboard #topre #nopre
I have a thing for #Topre #Keyboards … this is a cable modded #RealForce 87u 45g uniform that’s been with me for many years. It’s currently rocking a set 104UG HiPro caps and somehow I always find myself coming back to this thing out of sheer nostalgia.
Why Are Topre Keyboards So Expensive?: https://switchandclick.com/why-are-topre-keyboards-so-expensive/ #hardware #keyboard #topre #alternative #expensive #typing
#hardware #keyboard #topre #alternative #expensive #typing