Captain Flint in (mostly) straight lines. The only way the words mostly straight apply to this wonderful man 👌 👏 ❤️ 🏴☠️
#BlackSails #CaptainFlint #JamesFlint #TobyStephens #art #Mastoart #pirates #drawing #fineliners #micron #illustration #portrait #toradraws
#toradraws #portrait #illustration #micron #fineliners #drawing #pirates #mastoart #art #tobystephens #jamesflint #CaptainFlint #blacksails
I'm totally manifesting Toby Stephens as Poseidon 👏😁❤️ (And yes, I know the 21st century Percy Jackson version of Poseidon makes different fashion choices. It's a tongue-in-cheek 😉❤️)
#TobyStephens #Poseidon #PercyJacksonAndtheOlympians #art #traditionalart #drawing #promarkers #prismacolor #illustration #toradraws
#toradraws #illustration #prismacolor #promarkers #drawing #traditionalart #art #percyjacksonandtheolympians #poseidon #tobystephens
I'm still not over Flint in a braid, so here, a piece already done but one that I can't part with mentally 🥰
#BlackSails #CaptainFlint #JamesFlint #TobyStephens #art #Mastoart #pirates #pencil #prismacolor #watercolor #mixedmedia
#traditionalart #illustration #drawing #toradraws
#toradraws #drawing #illustration #traditionalart #mixedmedia #watercolor #prismacolor #pencil #pirates #mastoart #art #tobystephens #jamesflint #CaptainFlint #blacksails
Haven't posted here in a while... so here we are. My first love was and will always be realism, so I often fall back on it. And because I'm just a tiny bit obsessive, Captain Flint is usually the subject these days ❤️ 👌
Pencil on watercolor paper.
#BlackSails #CaptainFlint #JamesFlint #TobyStephens #art #Mastoart #pirates #pencil
#traditionalart #illustration #drawing #toradraws
#toradraws #drawing #illustration #traditionalart #pencil #pirates #mastoart #art #tobystephens #jamesflint #CaptainFlint #blacksails
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Black Sails edition ❤️❤️❤️ Last part.
"[...] a pale horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him."
Death ruled by the means of the other three Horsemen - my mind went to Miranda, the one considered to be the witch who commanded Flint, who put into motion various plot points.
#BlackSails #MirandaBarlow #MirandaHamilton #LouiseBarnes #art #Mastoart #pirates #watercolor #painting #illustration #toradraws
#toradraws #illustration #painting #watercolor #pirates #mastoart #art #louisebarnes #mirandahamilton #mirandabarlow #blacksails
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Black Sails edition ❤️❤️❤️ I was a bit possessed with the idea.
"[...] a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand."
The Law-giver interpretation imho fits better than Famine, since the Apocalypse is about judgment, and there is no judgment in famine, just death, a plague. Law-giving on the other hand...
#BlackSails #MadiScott #ZethuMphahlele #art #Mastoart #pirates #watercolor #painting #illustration #toradraws
#toradraws #illustration #painting #watercolor #pirates #mastoart #art #zethumphahlele #madiscott #blacksails
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Black Sails edition ❤️❤️❤️ I was a bit possessed with the idea.
"[...] a red horse went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him."
The fiery red of destruction and blood spilled during war; Flint punishing England for its sins.
#BlackSails #CaptainFlint #JamesFlint #TobyStephens #art #Mastoart #pirates #watercolor #painting #illustration #toradraws
#toradraws #illustration #painting #watercolor #pirates #mastoart #art #tobystephens #jamesflint #CaptainFlint #blacksails
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Black Sails edition ❤️❤️❤️ I was a bit possessed with the idea.
"[...] a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."
Seen as both Christ and Antichrist in interpretations, symbolizes war for the higher cause, just as the King of Pirates ❤️
#BlackSails #LukeArnold #JohnSilver #LongJohnSilver #art #Mastoart #pirates #watercolor #painting #illustration #toradraws
#toradraws #illustration #painting #watercolor #pirates #mastoart #art #longjohnsilver #johnsilver #lukearnold #blacksails
Captain James Flint in a braid for reasons ❤️ 🏴☠️ Watercolors and Prismacolors.
#BlackSails #TobyStephens #CaptainFlint #pirates #art #watercolor #prismacolor #illustration #toradraws
#toradraws #illustration #prismacolor #watercolor #art #pirates #CaptainFlint #tobystephens #blacksails
The Captain for Monday 👌 🏴☠️
#BlackSails #CaptainFlint #TobyStephens #art #digitalart #portrait #toradraws #illustration #krita
#Krita #illustration #toradraws #portrait #digitalart #art #tobystephens #CaptainFlint #blacksails