Caught the opening weekend of #TorchSongTrilogy at the BCA last night. Nice to see Harvey Fierstein's first Broadway show brought to the small stage in Boston! It's a great book to see performed.
#torchsongtrilogy #boston #bostontheater #harveyfierstein
#PaulBogart (1919–2012) was #BornOnThisDay.
He directed more #AllInTheFamily episodes than anyone else — and won an Emmy for the unforgettable "Edith's 50th Birthday."
Other credits: #GetSmart, #Alice, #TheGoldenGirls and films like #TorchSongTrilogy (1988)
#1970stv #1970s #classictv #torchsongtrilogy #thegoldengirls #alice #GetSmart #AllInTheFamily #bornonthisday #paulbogart