If this doesn’t c
Scare you I don’t know what will.
The GE cannot come soon enough to stop this madness
And I thought #Brexit was bad!
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Edwin Hayward: If the UK leaves the ECHR, then *people in the UK* lose all the protections listed below.
(Nobody else does, because no other country is leaving!)
It would be a massive act of self-harm, and a huge victory for a government bent on repression and fear.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinemep/status/1689997785678905345
According to The Daily Telegraph, “a coming influx of Chinese electric cars represents a security risk, as they could be remotely controlled to paralyse Britain”.
Except, how would we tell?
#toriesbrokebritain #ToriesUnfitToGovern
State of democracy in the UK 2023. #LocalElection2023 #VoterIDIsVoterSuppression #VoterID #ToriesBrokeBritain
#localelection2023 #voteridisvotersuppression #voterid #toriesbrokebritain
Attention all! 🚨 DON'T BE IGNORED! Get the government you want. Apply for your voting authorisation card NOW to make your voice heard. It's quick and easy at https://zerve.it/voterauthorisation
#ukelectionready #generalelectionnow #toriesbrokebritain
• Reduce access to staff ✓
• Remove access to EU funding streams ✓
• Remove seed corn funding ✓
• Reduce the capacity of state-funded markets to buy the product ✓
• The rights to the product are sold overseas ✓
In this case it's the animation industry but the playbook's the same for every sector of British industry: the investment is limited, the recruitment pool is limited, the market is limited, the profit is offshored.
"The private realm of Johnson and Sunak, Sharp and Zahawi – and many others – is so abundant, those who inhabit it can be careless about sums of money everyone else would regard as life-changing. Meanwhile, the country – the services that people rely on and which, in some way, define society itself – is descending into squalor."
#toriesbrokebritain #TorySleaze
"Jeremy Hunt, the chancellor, didn’t want to talk about the past on Friday. A cabinet minister for a decade, he wanted to focus on the distant future, not present-day failures."
(The one flaw in any discussion of the return of Austerity, of course, is that it never went away. Those children's centres and libraries that closed never reopened and public sector staff and skills are still depleted.)
#toriesbrokebritain #austerity
Remembering the old days before the posh kids broke everything and laughed as they did it.
"…they’ve been wrongfooted that most voters have taken the side of those going on strike. That people are fed up with the Conservatives trying to pretend they haven’t been in power for 13 years and are all in favour of workers trying to be a little less broke by asking for a pay rise that approximates to inflation."
#rishisunak #toryomnishambles #toriesbrokebritain
"British compassion has been replaced by a punitive, mean-spirited and often callous approach apparently designed to impose a rigid order on the lives of those least capable of coping."
#torybritain #welfarereforms #unitednations #poornastyandbrutish #toriesbrokebritain #austerity
RT @jonesr2310@twitter.com
Over 12 years they’ve had to make things better #TwelveYears & look at the state of things #TorySewageParty #ToriesBrokeBritain #GeneralElectionNow https://twitter.com/lgalloway77/status/1602176328811282433
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jonesr2310/status/1602272535353122819
#twelveyears #TorySewageParty #toriesbrokebritain #generalelectionnow
You know we're told of the huge number of vacancies in NHS & Social Care?
Well.. if we can't "afford" to pay a proper salary to the CURRENT staff.. How the hell could we manage to "afford" a 100% workforce?🤨
Tories have no NHS plan, do they? You gotta ask yourself why??😡
#ToriesOut #GeneralElectionNow
#GeneralElectionNOW #toriesout #toriesbrokenhs #toriesbrokebritain
Truss undoubtedly must go after this disaster.
However, she didn't cook this up alone, she simply doesn't have the intelligence for that.
This is all on the Tory party.
The Tories can't just throw her under the bus and think all is good. They all must go!