This is not only about the 'here & now'
The long-term implications to future generations will be devastating if this bill is passed.
Fight for the future!! #RightToStrike
#WorkersRights #EnoughIsEnough #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesEnemyOfThePeople
#toriesenemyofthepeople #toriesdestroyingourcountry #enoughisenough #workersrights #righttostrike
β οΈ #NHSPrivatisation β οΈ
Please read this thread and realise where our #NHS is heading...
It's absolutely terrifying!
#SaveOurNHS #SaveTheNHS #ToryBrokenBritain #ToriesEnemyOfThePeople
#toriesenemyofthepeople #torybrokenbritain #savethenhs #saveournhs #nhs #nhsprivatisation
@ParaHandy what a vile man he is!
I would like to hope that people will spend their hard earned cash in other, independent restaurants and bars. Plenty of them out there happy to support #StrikingWorkers and take their hard earned cash.
#StrikingWorkersAreNotTheEnemy #ToriesEnemyOfThePeople
#toriesenemyofthepeople #strikingworkersarenottheenemy #strikingworkers