Chancellor branded 'Mr Bean' for inflation video #MrBean #ToryLogic
#HeatOrEat #ToryAusterity #ToryChoices #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToriesLiePeopleDie #CostOfLivingCrisis #FairPay #EnoughIsEnough
#enoughisenough #fairpay #Costoflivingcrisis #toriesliepeopledie #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #torychoices #ToryAusterity #HeatorEat #torylogic #mrbean
If Brexit was the solution it wouldn't need remainers or leavers to "make it work". It would just work.
More leave lies and blame shifting.
#keirstarmer take note
#ukpol #brexit #toriesliepeopledie #uklabour #keirstarmer
@Fife4Europe How tired are you of thinking "We told you so" about 40 times a day? The arseholes who made money out of it are the sort of wankers for whom no amount of money is ever enough. Meanwhile, back in the real world ... 🤮 🤬 #UKPolitics #BrexitHasFailed #ToriesOut #SOSNHS #SupportTheStrikes #CostOfGreedCrisis #FairPay #TaxTheRich #EnoughIsEnough #ToriesLiePeopleDie #FoodbanksArentNormal #WarmbanksShouldntExist #Community #Solidarity
#solidarity #community #warmbanksshouldntexist #foodbanksarentnormal #toriesliepeopledie #enoughisenough #taxtherich #fairpay #costofGREEDcrisis #SupportTheStrikes #SOSNHS #toriesout #BrexitHasFailed #ukpolitics