RT @pcu11en@twitter.com
The increased wealth of UK billionaires since the #torycriminals came to power (approaching £500bn) should be a feature of every single debate about NHS and other strikes … and yet it never ever is
#ToryCriminals #torycostofgreedcrisis #toriesout171 #sunakout61 #enoughlsenough
Always worth re-posting news of the UK from abroad. The #MSM here ignore how badly the #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry + #ToriesDestroyingOurNHS are performing
#msm #toriesdestroyingourcountry #toriesdestroyingournhs #toriesout171 #enoughlsenough
RT @Spottydog_
The Brexit Tories have wrecked what was a thriving and successful country that cared about others. Now we have rampant poverty, food banks, warm banks and an out-of-touch Prime Minister.
Happy Christmas everyone!
#ToriesOut171 #BrexitBrokeBritain #GeneralElectionNow #RejoinEU https://twitter.com/grahambsi/status/1606338370979868673
#toriesout171 #BrexitBrokeBritain #generalelectionnow #rejoineu
RT @dave43law@twitter.com
Thinking of all those who have lost someone special - and have a space that cannot be filled today.
Especially those we lost in the pandemic - 220k and rising
My Xmas message is - 'We will not forget'
#ToriesOut171 #SunakOut62 #GeneralElectionNow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dave43law/status/1606937749130743810
#toriesout171 #sunakout62 #GeneralElectionNow
RT @gus1955@twitter.com
@WeemansGin@twitter.com @ChesterEndofMrY@twitter.com @Knighthawkken@twitter.com @LGalloway77@twitter.com Our Society is in a State of Reverse
Under the Robber Barons
Of the
Run by
#ToriesOut171 #ToriesOutOfTouch
#SaveOurNHS 💙#SOSNHS 💙
#ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #toriesout171 #toriesoutoftouch #toriesdestroyingournhs #SaveOurNHS #SOSNHS #GeneralElectionNow #supportthestrikes
RT @gus1955@twitter.com
@riotgrandma72@twitter.com @LGalloway77@twitter.com @WeemansGin@twitter.com @ChesterEndofMrY@twitter.com @Knighthawkken@twitter.com #TurdReich
#turdreich #TorySewageParty #toriesout171
RT @gus1955@twitter.com
Our Society is in a State of Reverse
Under the Robber Barons
Of the
Run by
#ToriesOut171 #ToriesOutOfTouch
#SaveOurNHS 💙#SOSNHS 💙
#SupportTheStrikes https://twitter.com/WeemansGin/status/1606999059776110594
#ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #toriesout171 #toriesoutoftouch #toriesdestroyingournhs #SaveOurNHS #SOSNHS #GeneralElectionNow #supportthestrikes
RT @dave43law@twitter.com
To all those working today a massive thankyou
To all those enjoying a day off thankyou
To all those who died through Covid protecting others thankyou
#ToriesOut171 #SunakOut62 #GeneralElectionN0W
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dave43law/status/1606960631160225793
#toriesout171 #sunakout62 #GeneralElectionN0W #nhsworkersneedapayrise
RT @D0ntBeFooled@twitter.com
We asked 100 people what a homeless person might be doing this Christmas.
You said “thinking of pursuing a career in the banking sector”…
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/D0ntBeFooled/status/1606802033801105410
#GeneralElectionNOW #toriesout171
A bright start to Christmas Day in the city of York. Merry Christmas to all those that follow my inane ramblings and to those of different faiths, Happy Holidays. To all those who are still going to vote Conservative....go do one.
#GeneralElectionNOW #toriesout171 #sunakout61
RT @D0ntBeFooled@twitter.com
@GOV2UK@twitter.com Sunak says there are loads of jobs in Finance for homeless Londoners outside of London, they just need to find £100 for a train ticket, pack up all their belongings, hope Tories have resolved strikes, blag an interview…
Who says the billionaire PM is out of touch?
Merry Christmas, Midnight Club 🎄
#toriesout171 #GeneralElectionNow #christmas #GTTO
The only business I’m in is the business of getting the Tories out.
#toriesout171 #GeneralElectionNow #GTTO
RT @D0ntBeFooled@twitter.com
@RishiSunak@twitter.com @PassageCharity@twitter.com “Yes, please could I have a sausage, 2 eggs and some more of your completely out of touch information about all of the jobs in the banking sector that exist outside of the city where I’m currently homeless?”
#toriesout171 #GeneralElectionNow
“Yes, please could I have a sausage, 2 eggs and some more of your completely out of touch information about all of the jobs in the banking sector that exist outside of the city where I’m currently homeless?”
#toriesout171 #GeneralElectionNow
Saw a nativity last night which started as a woke tale of a community welcoming a refugee who contributed to society and made everyones lives better.
Eventually though the Tories crucified him so that they could return to austerity and misery.
#toriesout171 #GeneralElectionNow
We asked 100 people what a homeless person might be doing this Christmas.
You said “thinking of pursuing a career in the banking sector”…
#toriesout171 #GeneralElectionNow
Would you prefer Tory MPs to visit homeless shelters for a self promoting photo opportunity or to legislate to end the need for them?
Would you prefer Tory voters to get Christmas number ones singing about the food banks they voted for or to not vote Tory?