Vieni, ti porto a vagabondare tra un brivido e un tulipano.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography#travel #love#photooftheday
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #love #igerstorino #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer #streetphotography #street #streetphotographers #noise #light #color
Dawn has its own mysterious grandeur which consists of a residue of dream and of a principle of thought.
L’alba ha una sua misteriosa grandezza che consiste in un residuo di sogno e in un principio di pensiero.
(Victor Hugo)
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #photographer #streetphotography #street #streetphotographers #noise #light #color #sfumature #streetlamp
La pioggia è sempre diversa e ad accorgersene sono quasi sempre le persone più sensibili.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography
#love #photooftheday
#torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday
#photo #photographer #noise #streetphotographers #rain #pioggia
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #love #photooftheday #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer #streetphotography #street #noise #streetphotographers #rain #pioggia
Se è verde non hai fretta.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography
#travel #photooftheday
#torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #architecture #beautiful
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday #l
#photo #photographer
#streetphotographers #noise
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #photooftheday #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer #streetphotography #street #l #streetphotographers #noise
Il vento che passa, il cielo che vola, è una vita sola.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #love #photooftheday
#torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday
#photo #photographer #ig_turin
#streetphotographers #noise
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #love #photooftheday #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer #streetphotography #street #ig_turin #streetphotographers #noise
“È un viaggio per viandanti pazienti, un libro”
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography
#travel #love #photooftheday
#igerstorino #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday
#photo #photographer
#streetphotographers #noise #tram #libri #leggerepercontinuareasperare #leggere
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #photooftheday #igerstorino #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #photographer #streetphotography #street #streetphotographers #noise #tram #libri #leggerepercontinuareasperare #leggere
Mi è sembrata una cosa straordinaria, meravigliarsi per la bellezza del cielo al mattino.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #photooftheday #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #sky #volgotorino #photographer
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday #photo #photographer #alba #ig_turin #streetphotographers #love #noise #sunrise
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #photooftheday #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #sky #volgotorino #photographer #streetphotography #street #alba #ig_turin #streetphotographers #noise #sunrise
I legami più profondi non sono fatti né di corde né di nodi, eppure nessuno li scioglie.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #photooftheday #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #sky #volgotorino #photographer
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday #photo #photographer #lucidartista #alba #streetphotographers #love #noise #sunrise
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #photooftheday #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #sky #volgotorino #photographer #streetphotography #street #lucidartista #alba #streetphotographers #noise #sunrise
Alice: Per quanto tempo è per sempre?
Bianconiglio: A volte, solo un secondo.
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #photooftheday #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer #
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday #blackandwhite #bw
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #photooftheday #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #photographer #streetphotography #street #blackandwhite #bw
Gli alberi fanno di tutto per non dominare ciò che li circonda. Lasciano che gli eventi accadano: il cielo azzurro, le tempeste, il vento, la pioggia.
Accettano ogni cosa senza l’ossessione di capire o di controllare.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #instagood #photooftheday #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #volgotorino #photographer #igerspiemonte
#streetphotography #street #picoftheday #instagood #photo #photographer
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #love #piemonte #instagood #photooftheday #torinoelamiacitta #photo #city #architecture #beautiful #volgotorino #photographer #igerspiemonte #streetphotography #street
L’amore non fa rumore.
#love #streetphotography #torino #torinoèlamiacittà #phoyography
#love #streetphotography #torino #torinoelamiacitta #phoyography
The morning light don't show you near
The blackened world grows white, it goes nowhere
All this noise inside the quiet
#photography #torinoèlamiacittà
#streetphotography #street #photo #photographer
#photography #torinoelamiacitta #streetphotography #street #photo #photographer
I ricordi ti scaldano il corpo dall’interno. Ma allo stesso tempo ti lacerano dentro.
#streetphotography #photography #photooftheday #travelphotography #street #streetstyle #travelgram #streetart #city #urban #turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #piemonte #photooftheday #igerstorino #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #city #photographer
#streetphotography #photography #photooftheday #travelphotography #street #streetstyle #travelgram #streetart #city #urban #turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #travel #piemonte #igerstorino #torinoelamiacitta #photo #photographer
When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I’ll know I’m growing old.
Quando non mi emozionerò più con la prima neve dell’anno, saprò che sto invecchiando.
#streetphotography #photography #photooftheday #travelphotography #street #streetstyle #city #urban #turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #piemonte #photooftheday #igerstorino #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #igersitalia #city #photographer #snow
#streetphotography #photography #photooftheday #travelphotography #street #streetstyle #city #urban #turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #travel #piemonte #igerstorino #torinoelamiacitta #photo #igersitalia #photographer #snow
Bisognerebbe chiarire una volta per tutte perché "un momento brutto" può andare avanti per mesi, mentre un momento di grazia dura sempre e soltanto un momento.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #piemonte #photooftheday #igerstorino #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #art #city #architecture #instagram #instalike #photographer
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #piemonte #photooftheday #igerstorino #torinoelamiacitta #photo #art #city #architecture #instagram #instalike #photographer
Perché a volte, nei momenti più impensati, per strada, puoi sentire l'anima lacerarsi, catturata dalla storia di qualcuno che ti è appena passato accanto.
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #piemonte #photooftheday #igerstorino #torinoèlamiacittà #photo #art #city #architecture #fashion #volgotorino #photographer #street #streetphotography #light
#turin #torino #italy #italia #picoftheday #photography #travel #piemonte #photooftheday #igerstorino #torinoelamiacitta #photo #art #city #architecture #fashion #volgotorino #photographer #street #streetphotography #light