@c_9 You're right (though the #TorontoStop still features in the most recent edition)! This is why I always wear bright clothes while cycling - to make it easier for drivers to see and blame me. Just doing my part.
Drivers! Your time is too important to be spent needlessly on city streets. So make a habit of the #TorontoStop - like the #IdahoStop, it's a rolling stop at a controlled intersection but applied to cars, NOT bikes. Of course, it's not strictly legal, but it is awfully popular in #Toronto (and maybe your city too!) and, so far as I can tell, never ticketed by the police. After all, what's the life of a pedestrian or a cyclist compared to your convenience? #topoli #BikeTooter #WarOnCars
#waroncars #biketooter #topoli #toronto #idahostop #torontostop