Die #Cathay #Lounge in #Hongkong an Gate 2 hat (heute) wahnsinnig gute #Tortellini. Ich glaube, dass "Abendessen" an Bord des #Fliegers brauche ich nachher nicht.
Dank "#NLML" Auswahl wäre das vermutlich eh #Fisch (#Airlines sind bei NLML meist echt langweilig) und das brauch ich nicht.
#cathay #lounge #hongkong #tortellini #fliegers #nlml #Fisch #airlines
Ready to make the last big batch of #Tortellini. After that and having taken final pictures, we will write the #recipe. Publishing it might take a few more days, as we expect it to be a rather long one. It will cover #pasta dough, the filling, and the two classic ways to serve in #Bologna: Tortellini in Brodo and with Fonduta di Parmigiano.
#tortellini #recipe #pasta #bologna
Heute die neuen #vegan|en Mühlen Crispies probiert. Gute Konsistenz. Lecker. #ruegenwalder #dm #tortellini #hefeschmelz #wiekaese
#vegan #ruegenwalder #dm #tortellini #hefeschmelz #wiekaese
THE #Tortellini are from Bologna, although there is a feud with Modena about the true origin.
However, there is one „official“ #recipe of the „Dotta Confraternita del Tortellino“ at the chamber of commerce of Bologna.
We did this before (pandemic…) and will do it again, this time taking pictures writing a full description on how to produce at home, with a lot of fun and some helping hands, approx. 1.000 of these small delicacies. Just shopped the ingredients at an Italian wholesaler.
¡Nuevo post en mi blog! 🍝 Descubre cómo preparar deliciosos Tortellini a la Panna, una receta italiana que te encantará. 😋 ¡Sigue paso a paso esta delicia y sorprende a todos en la mesa! #receta #tortellini #italiana #cocina #blog #delicioso https://oscariglesiaschefcuisine.wordpress.com/2023/07/24/tortellini-a-la-panna/
#receta #tortellini #italiana #cocina #blog #delicioso
Noch mehr Belohnung. 🤤
#tortellini #TortelliniRossini
#tortellinirossini #tortellini
Dinner last night:
Vegan Tortellini with Arugula Pesto and Asparagus
#vegan #pasta #tortellini #asparagus #food #veganfood #govegan
#vegan #pasta #tortellini #asparagus #food #veganfood #govegan
🍝 A Bologna, Viaggi & Mangi!
#ficoeatalyworld #eataly #sfogliamo #cucina #cucinare #cibo #mangiare #ricette #ricetta #pasta #paste #pastafresca #ravioli #tortellini #lasagne #cappelletti #cappellaci #ravioloni #tortelloni #tagliatelle #Fettuccine #ristorante #ristoranti #food #foodblog #foodblogger #italianfood #italianpasta #pastaripiena #freshpasta
#Rezept: Frühlingshafte Erbsen-Minze-#Tortellini https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000143975585/rezeptfruehlingshafte-erbsen-minze-tortellini?ref=article
Wie angekündigt das "Schnelle Welle" Fertig-Futter aus dem Froster 😆, leckere Tortellini in Sahnesauce mit Gedöns 😉. Morgen wird wieder frisch gekocht 🙂.
#kochen #essen #tortellini #Fertiggericht
#tortellini follow up:
I took some pictures of the tortellini in broth but they aren’t good enough to post on the web. As they are best we eaten warm, I didn’t have time for setting a better photo set 😕However, they were delicious, though I can work on some improvements 😋
Happy holidays everyone ❄️☃️🐱
Italian Christmas dinner is loading…
#tortellini #pasta #homemade #cooking #christmas #pastadesign
#pastadesign #christmas #cooking #homemade #pasta #tortellini
Italian Christmas dinner is loading…
#christmas #cooking #homemade #pasta #tortellini
il mio povero #pranzetto:
per il brodo: #manzo, lingua, #cappone.
il brodo di carne fatto con il brodo vegetale: #sedano, carote, patate, cipolla.
#tortellini: #mortadella, lombo di maiale, #prosciutto crudo, #parmigiano.
Certamente c'è sale, pepe nero, noce moscata ecc...
ed ecco fatto...
#pranzetto #manzo #cappone #sedano #tortellini #mortadella #prosciutto #parmigiano