If youâre in the US and not following whatâs happening in Atlanta, Georgia, it is very chilling.
Basic organizing and mutual aid is being called terrorism and bail fundraisers are being charged with racketeering.
And this is after police killed an Indigenous activist on site.
This is the next level of criminalizing protest. All because people have been trying to save a patch of forest slated for a massive militarized training facility for police.
The fight to #StopCopCity is ongoing resistance to construction of military-grade training facilities for cops to practice urban warfare against social movements worldwide.
Despite numerous arrests and the murder of #Tortuguita, the fight continues. Support those facing repression and signup today!
#StopCopCity #tortuguita #DefendWeelaunee
pour la premiĂšre fois dans lâhistoire des Etats-Unis, Ă mort dâun militant Ă©cologiste sous les coups de la police. En janvier dernier, le dĂ©fenseur de la forĂȘt dâAtlanta, Manuel Esteban Paez TerĂĄn, connu sous le nom de #Tortuguita â « petite tortue » en espagnol, reçu plus de cinquante balles dans le corps alors quâil occupait les lieux avec ses camarades de lutte.
#acab #climat
Will Potter on How the State and the Media Go After Radical Movements
Weâre in an unprecedented rollback of #CivilLiberties. States are passing laws to #OutlawProtests and #DirectAction, charging non-violent protesters with â#DomesticTerrorismâ and #legalizing the #RunningOver of people blocking traffic. #StateSurveillance of activists has increased dramatically. Police budgets are getting astronomical increases to further militarize the state. In Atlanta, in the #StopCopCity campaign, police #assassinated a #ForestDefender, #Tortuguita, who had their hands up and then tried to claim self-defense.
To put this all in context, we talk with investigative journalist and author Will Potter (@will_potter). We discuss the #StopHuntington #AnimalCruelty campaign, the #EarthLiberationFront, the taming down of climate actions in the 2010s and how the police state ignored right wing terror groups in the same period.
We also discuss the role of the #FBI and the liberal #CorporateMedia in going after radical movements, how Cop City is shifting things and where popular culture fits into the story.
#civilliberties #outlawprotests #directaction #domesticterrorism #legalizing #runningover #statesurveillance #stopcopcity #assassinated #forestdefender #tortuguita #stophuntington #animalcruelty #earthliberationfront #fbi #corporatemedia
In honor of #Tortuguita and all those struggling to #StopCopCity, half the proceeds are going to their jail/legal support. Over 40 people have been charged under Georgiaâs domestic terrorism statute in alleged connection to the movement.
More at: https://phillyabc.org/rdtw/#stopcopcity
Meaning we must burn Atlanta to the ground for our lost sibling, #Tortuguita.
"She performed a song, one that she had previously sung while spreading Tortuguitaâs ashes upon the ground where they were murdered. We then sung a chorus of No PasarĂĄn as a group, supported by the cicadas in the night sky."
La #lutte contre la #CopCity et pour la forĂȘt de #Weelaunee a Ă©tĂ© explosive, expĂ©rimentale et sauvage pendant presque 3 ans maintenant. [...]nos ennemis nous ont brutalisĂ©s, ont accusĂ© des personnes de terrorisme intĂ©rieur, les menaçant de 5 Ă 35 ans de prison, ont assassinĂ© notre ami et camarade #Tortuguita, ont tentĂ© de rĂ©primer notre lutte, et pourtant nous sommes toujours lĂ Ă nous battre. #Atlanta
#lutte #copcity #weelaunee #tortuguita #atlanta
Atlanta City Council Approves $67 Million in Public Funds for âCop Cityâ https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/atlanta-city-council-approves-67-million-in-public-funds-for-cop-city/ #Eco #Police #atlanta #Atlanta_City_Council #Atlanta_Police_Foundation #Cop_City #Defend_the_Atlanta_Forest #Georgia #stop_cop_city #Tortuguita #Tortuguita
#eco #police #atlanta #atlanta_city_council #Atlanta_Police_Foundation #Cop_City #Defend_the_Atlanta_Forest #georgia #stop_cop_city #tortuguita
A big thank you to everyone in Atlanta Georgia who organized, protested, spoke at city council⊠in attempt to save the Weelaunee forest. I know there are thousands of you.
Iâm sorry your city council did not listen.
I still believe in you, and in the trees. And rest well, indigenous activist Tortuguita. You should not have been killed trying.
Please Help Mastodon!
I am recording a memorial to our trans siblings murdered since 2020. I don't process info in videos well, and I haven't found the pronunciation of the name of the protestor, Tortuguita, murdered by police during the Cop City protests.
Does anyone know how they vocalized it themselves? I would really appreciate an accurate description so I don't get it wrong. Also, a link to an audio recording would do me as well! TY!
#pronunciation #tortuguita #copcity #transrights
Dagli Stati Uniti alla Germania, si intensifica la repressione contro gli attivisti per il clima https://altreconomia.it/dagli-stati-uniti-alla-germania-si-intensifica-la-repressione-contro-gli-attivisti-per-il-clima/ #attivistaambientalista #ManuelEstebanPaezTerĂĄn #forestapubblica #StevenDonziger #Tortuguita #AttualitĂ #ambiente #Atlanta #Georgia #Polizia #usa
#attivistaambientalista #manuelestebanpaezteran #forestapubblica #StevenDonziger #tortuguita #attualita #ambiente #atlanta #georgia #polizia #usa
R/T @Radical_EgoCom
The courts will never hold these murderers accountable for their crimes because the entire system is made up of BASTARDS!
#Abolition #PoliceAbolition #StopCopCity #Tort #Tortuguita #ATL #Atlanta #NoMorePolice #Bryland_Myers #Jonathan_Lamb #Jerry_Parrish #Ronaldo_Kegel #Jonathan_Salcedo #Royce_Zah #BrylandMyers #JonathanLamb #JerryParrish #JonathanSalcedo #RonaldoKegel #RoyceZah #DefendTheForest #ForestDefence
#Abolition #policeabolition #StopCopCity #Tort #tortuguita #atl #atlanta #NoMorePolice #bryland_myers #jonathan_lamb #jerry_parrish #ronaldo_kegel #jonathan_salcedo #royce_zah #brylandmyers #jonathanlamb #jerryparrish #jonathansalcedo #ronaldokegel #roycezah #DefendTheForest #ForestDefence
As a vote around crucial funding for the massive police counter-insurgency training center in #Atlanta heads to a vote on June 5th - protests show no sign of slowing down. #StopCopCity #Tortuguita https://itsgoingdown.org/storming-in-atl-report/
#atlanta #StopCopCity #tortuguita
Today Marjorie Taylor Green lied about "antifa murdering someone," stating slain #StopCopCity protester #Tortuguita - who was brutally shot by police 57 times - killed an officer in #Atlanta.
#StopCopCity #tortuguita #atlanta
Hundreds of people have swarmed the #Atlanta City Council chambers, demanding to speak out against the #CopCity project. Upwards of 500 people are chanting, "Tortuga vive, la lucha sigue" and "Stop Cop city!"
Despite the brutal assassination of #Tortuguita and the use of domestic terrorism charges, the movement to #StopCopCity remains strong and people won't stop until the project is canceled.
#atlanta #CopCity #tortuguita #StopCopCity
People in #Georgia are getting arrested for terrorism for sharing these names of the police responsible for killing #Tortuguita an #Indigenous #queer environmental activist and forest defender
Do not be silenced
#StopCopCity #DefendTheForest #justicefortortuguita
#georgia #tortuguita #indigenous #queer #CopCity #StopCopCity #DefendTheForest #justicefortortuguita
Am 18. Januar tötete die Polizei in #Atlanta Manuel Terån aka #Tortuguita einen Umweltaktivisten des @defendATLforest mit 57 Kugeln. ZunÀchst von der Polizei beschuldigt, geschossen zu haben, zeigt die Autopsie, dass er unbewaffnet war & keine Gefahr darstellte. #StopCopCity #USA
RT @lessoulevements
Le 18 janvier dernier aux #USA, la police a abattu de 57 balles un activiste Tortuguita du mouvement @defendATLforest. Au dĂ©but acâŠ
#atlanta #tortuguita #StopCopCity #usa
#Police Shot #Atlanta #CopCity #Protester 57 Times, #Autopsy Finds
When 26-year-old Manuel âTortuguitaâ TerĂĄn was shot dead by police during a brutal, multi-agency raid on the #DefendAtlantaForest, #StopCopCity encampment in January, the activistâs friends felt certain of two things: #Tortuguita was murdered, and whatever narrative the police offered would be a lie.
#Police #Atlanta #copcity #protester #Autopsy #DefendAtlantaForest #StopCopCity #tortuguita
NEW from DSM: Yesterday, about 30 activists gathered in downtown #Eugene to march in protest of Atlanta's proposed #CopCity and the killing of forest defender #Tortuguita.
They were met with a heavy #police presence and dispersed.
Read —ïž
#eugene #copcity #tortuguita #Police