In 13+ yrs the #Tories have utterly wrecked #Britain’s:
- economy
- social services
- education system
- environment
- social care system
- justice system
- prisons
- probation system
- academic research base
- the BBC &
- our standing in the world!
#Cameron, #May, #Johnson, #Truss #Sunak & multiple others shud be standing trial for misconduct in public office and, if found guilty, should face jail time!
#ToryCorruption #ToryIncompetence #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryBrexitCatastrophe #ToryCovidDisaster #ToriesOut
#tories #britain #cameron #May #johnson #Truss #Sunak #ToryCorruption #ToryIncompetence #ToriesUnfitToGovern #torybrexitcatastrophe #ToryCovidDisaster #ToriesOut
“Britain is going to rejoin the #EU far sooner than anyone now imagines,” ran the headline [..] in yesterday’s .@dailytelegraph. “It is the #Tories’ greatest betrayal: they have made such a hash of the [#Brexit] project it is probably unsalvageable.” #ToryBrexitCatastrophe #ToryBrexitShambles #ToryBrexitUnicorn #ToryBrexitFantasy #ToryBritain2023
#torybritain2023 #torybrexitfantasy #torybrexitunicorn #torybrexitshambles #torybrexitcatastrophe #Brexit #tories #EU