Striking UK workers playing into Putin’s hands, says Zahawi
Tories refuse to pay workers fairly and now say this? Utter scum…
#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #torybrexitchaos #generalelectionnow
@iamian16 @Comanche @AnthonyFStevens it is really hard when you see the culmination of 12 years of austerity impacted by the the Brexit dividend. I understand the need not to fall into traps laid by ERG etc, but it is a very frustrating process #torybrexitchaos #ToryBrexitDisaster
#torybrexitchaos #ToryBrexitDisaster
Brexit blow: exports to Japan slump after ‘landmark’ free trade deal
#ToryBrexitChaos #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #GeneralElectionNOW2022
#torybrexitchaos #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #generalelectionnow2022
Oh, and another thing: don't let's let this #FIFAWorldCup
distract us from the fact that we *still* have a rubbish "government" and brexit is still pulling the economy ever further into the mire.
#fifaworldcup #torybrexitchaos