Liam Royston · @LRBristol
4 followers · 25 posts · Server
Les Hemmings · @leshemmings
27 followers · 20 posts · Server

So, what exactly is this & thing all about?
This video by the excellent will get you up to speed.
Please, remove any throwable items from within your reach & maybe pop the kids upstairs while you watch this. You don't want them saying "Mum, Dad... What does "Thieving, Tory Bitch" mean?

#ppemedpro #baronessmone #ledbydonkeys #torylyingtraitorsout #torycorruptparty

Last updated 2 years ago

HarryMoWolves · @HarryMo
615 followers · 5597 posts · Server

RT Yes and there are also young and middle age cancer patients who need the heat to fend off infections. This must go. Country cant take anymore of their lies. On TV news today a govt minister claimed that BJ built 40 new hospitals. Can you Adam and Eve it?


#torycorruptparty #liars

Last updated 2 years ago