What is it going to take to stop the endless corruption within the Tory government? Today's headlines will be done and replaced with something else tomorrow and the next day and the next..... How long can this go on for? #zahawi #BorisJohnson #hancock #mone #sunak the list goes on... #ToryCostOfGreedCrisisUK #ToryCorruptionUK
#torycorruptionuk #torycostofgreedcrisisuk #Sunak #mone #hancock #borisjohnson #Zahawi
A Conservative peer advising the government during the coronavirus pandemic helped a company secure PPE contracts worth £50m after a fellow Tory peer introduced him to the firm
#ToryCronyism #ToryNHSPrivatisation #ToryCostOfGreedCrisisUK #ToryGreed #ournhs #SaveOurNHS #ToryPPE #toryppescandal
#toryppescandal #toryppe #saveournhs #ournhs #torygreed #torycostofgreedcrisisuk #torynhsprivatisation #torycronyism
It's all very depressing today in
#ToryDemocideUK #ToryCostOfGreedCrisisUK
#ToryCorruptionUK #ToryDictatorshipUK
Think I'll got and watch Tales of the Unexpected take my mind off what a bloody awful mess we're in.
#ToriesCostLives every day #ToryRuinLives every second
#toryruinlives #toriescostlives #torydictatorshipuk #torycorruptionuk #torycostofgreedcrisisuk #torydemocideuk