The Tory line seems to be that nothing can be done to alleviate poverty or climate change until the "cost of living crisis" that they created is over. Unfortunately that also appears to be Labour policy. #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGoven #labourlite #scottishpolitics #Independenceisnormal
#Independenceisnormal #scottishpolitics #labourlite #torycriminalsunfittogoven #brokenbritain #torycriminalsunfittogoven have put profit before all our public services, safety and increasingly our rights. #neverblue
#brokenbritain #torycriminalsunfittogoven #neverblue ex #goldman economist tells #uk we need to accept poverty. Excellent #pr message from #BoE. BTW some of us will never accept #brexit & the #torycriminalsunfittogoven especially #liarjohnson
#goldman #uk #PR #BoE #brexit #torycriminalsunfittogoven #liarjohnson the absolute minimum job of govt is to foster an economy in which cizens can feed & house themselves, have access to jobs, justice, healthcare and education. Tories have totally failed - #torycriminalsunfittogoven #torycriminalsunfittogoven misleading parliament again - or plain incompetent? #liztruss #peerages for friends #torycriminalsunfittogoven #ToryCorruption
#LizTruss #peerages #torycriminalsunfittogoven #ToryCorruption more proof that the #bbc is not impartial & allowed #liarjohnson lies to be spread on its news channel. #BBCcorrupt #torycriminalsunfittogoven
#bbc #liarjohnson #BBCcorrupt #torycriminalsunfittogoven #torycriminalsunfittogoven #toryfascism - now in line with #orban #hungary on civic #freedom
#torycriminalsunfittogoven #ToryFascism #orban #hungary #freedom #sunak struggled to find an #ethics advisor leaving the post empty for 6months. Tells you everything about #torycriminalsunfittogoven #torysleaze #torycorruption
#Sunak #ethics #torycriminalsunfittogoven #torysleaze #ToryCorruption
so #zahawi threatened to sue the indy newspaper for breaking his tax evasion story. Now claims his tax avoidance was just forgetfulness? Quite the look for a #tory chancellor to forget about £20 million or so income on which he needs to pay 3mill? #ToryCorruption #torycriminalsunfittogoven
#Zahawi #tory #ToryCorruption #torycriminalsunfittogoven
@sarahjanesmith @secrettory12 can't really argue against the article. The #tories have something like 22 months, then they will be voted out bigly. Can the UK withstand the #torycriminalsunfittogoven oven till the #GeneralElection ??
#tories #torycriminalsunfittogoven #generalelection