Together, we call for a new party of the left
With Labour dead as a vehicle for progressive change, it’s time to regroup.
Let’s come together to offer a politics of hope in a time of crisis. We can do this!
#UnitedKingdom #ToryFascistDictatorship #ToryCorruption #ToryEnergyCrisis #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #ClimateEmergency #politics #Tory #Labour #AusterityKills #poverty #hunger #CorporateTerrorism
#corporateterrorism #hunger #poverty #austeritykills #labour #tory #politics #climateemergency #globalwarming #climatechange #toryenergycrisis #ToryCorruption #ToryFascistDictatorship #unitedkingdom #transformpolitics
Chucking somebody out into the cold while you gaslight the nation is very on-message for this government.
Obviously nothing to do with the party in government that signed off the closure of the country's gas storage facilities, the retreat from investment in home insulation and green energy, and the decision to leave the EU energy market.