I’d like to thank Gary Lineker for expressing what the majority of people in the U.K. think about Braverman’s new far right policy announcement. Appeasing the #toryextremists is not the way to go #bbc #bbcnews #bbcpolitics. #Stopbraverman
#toryextremists #bbc #bbcnews #bbcpolitics #stopbraverman
Politicians are the real extremists! Not Unions! https://www.doubledown.news/watch/2022/december/12/politicians-are-the-real-extremists-not-trade-unions #ToryScum #ToryExtremists #ToryGreed #ToryCorruption #SupportTheWorkingClass #SupportStrikingWorkers #SupportTheStrikes #SupportTheUnions #Unionise #EatTheRich
#toryscum #toryextremists #torygreed #torycorruption #supporttheworkingclass #supportstrikingworkers #supportthestrikes #supporttheunions #unionise #eattherich
Our #far_right #toryextremists uk government showing their true colours again
#far_right #toryextremists #toryscum
RT @Two_Penneth@twitter.com
@MirrorPolitics@twitter.com @peterjukes@twitter.com Is she using tax-payers money to pay for this jaunt, or Russian donations? #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminals #ToryExtremists #ToryFascistDictatorship
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Two_Penneth/status/1600531515808616448
#ToryFascistDictatorship #toryextremists #ToryCriminals #ToryCorruption
Stop blaming the poorest & most disadvantaged for this countries ills & instead, lay blame at the feet of the greedy & corrupt politicians & their millionaire mates! 😡
This inequality, greed & corruption must stop. We need the Tories out NOW! #ToryCorruption #torygreed #ToriesUnfitToGovern #toryextremists #facists #generalelectionnow
#torycorruption #torygreed #toriesunfittogovern #toryextremists #facists #generalelectionnow