#PPE #ToryGovermentAccountability
'Only £18m has been retrieved by Department of Health, out of suspect Covid contracts potentially worth £630m.'
'Public Accounts Committee.'
'There were disputes with more than 100 suppliers over £2.7bn worth of stock – mostly over concerns about the quality of PPE provided.'
'Daisy Cooper, Lib Dems’ health spokesperson, tabled written question that revealed the sum recovered so far.'
'VIP lane has come under renewed scrutiny.'
#ppe #torygovermentaccountability
#VIPFastLane #ToryGovermentAccountability
"We had approved, certified products sitting in our warehouses in the UK," said Mr Martin. "We had a team in China who have been there for over 11 years and who run quality assurance and ethical trading. They were on the ground and we could even provide details of supply chains going forward for four or five months to government colleagues."
"What he didn't know was that a "VIP fast lane'' was being hurriedly set up."
#VIPFastLane #torygovermentaccountability