Sunlit uplands 👎😡
Well sunlit uplands for Tory MPs and donors 💰💷 making millions, tax avoidance and corruption.
They weren't talking to us about the benefits they were talking to their mates
#toryliesdestroyingtheuk #ToryScumbags #ToriesOut
#toryliesdestroyingtheuk #ToryScumbags #ToriesOut #conservativecon
RT That's it I'm never going to listen to any of them ever again #TheToryTalkBolloxParty #ToryMembership Lady Pimple-Popper of Chipping Bottom & any #BorisTheLiar should still be PM arses. I cannot take this total absolute bull shite they all spout.
#toryliesdestroyingtheuk #Boristheliar #torymembership #thetorytalkbolloxparty