So glad I live in North Wales and can vote for Plaid Cymru rather than Keir Starmer's new Tory party. It is becoming increasingly hard to remain hopeful that they will be any better than the current govt 😢
#PlaidCymru #KeirStarmer #ToryLite #GogleddCymru #NorthWales
#plaidcymru #keirstarmer #torylite #gogleddcymru #northwales
Cumming fingers Starmer's political 'black hole' on Kuenssberg
#starmer #labour #leftwing #LackOfALeftWingParty #greenparty #Cumming #Kuenssberg #duopoly #TwoPartyState #torylite #privatisation #nhs #UKIP #RightLite #tories #ConservativeLite #FPTP
It’s ok while it’s among your own pages propagating #tory and #rightwing #media smear campaigns which benefit back-stabbing establishment plant #keirstarmer and his cohorts though eh?
#tory #rightwing #media #keirstarmer #mastodon #fediverse #torylite #Labour #labourliar
What a sad day: #PollyToynbee supporting #Starmer
And her memory is faulty. I remember day after day feeling shaking anger at the#Tory propaganda published by #Torylite journalists at #TheGuardian
The EHRC report was manifestly unbalanced too: unsurprising when we found out who had authored it.
Polly: what a tragedy. And I’m not voting for #Labour because #StarmerIsATory
#starmerisatory #labour #theguardian #torylite #starmer #PollyToynbee
Dave Brown on #RishiSunak #KeirStarmer #CBI #ToryLite #ToriesUnfitToGovern #RishiSunk - political cartoon gallery in London
#rishisunak #keirstarmer #CBI #torylite #ToriesUnfitToGovern #rishisunk
@Microplastics101 I don’t know if there’s a viable alternative to the #ToriesOut129 right now. Everything I’ve heard from #UKLabour makes me think they’re just #ToryLite at this point. So it’s very disheartening.
#torylite #uklabour #toriesout129
@InfoLibertarian @LJClements8 @wlarge @mafeesh @FlixtonTom
Well for those on the #UKleftWing we have had 74 years of #toryLite - given the same criticism from the #labourLeft has been hurled at every #labourLeader who has won any election since 1945.
BTW "Broken Pledge" is not even a thing if the party does not gain power - so easy to be #farLeft and smug in your doctrinal purity
Look up #benn and #chevaline to see what happens when #reality bites an idol of the #farLeft
#ukleftwing #torylite #labourLeft #labourLeader #farleft #benn #chevaline #reality
@glynmoody That's OK, the other lot have warned they'll repeal that law if/when they get in.
Oh hang on....
RT @GreenJennyJones
As a Green, I've always believed that having a @UKLabour Govt would be better than having a Tory Govt, but I'm starting to wonder if that's true. I don't want #ToryLite policies for our precious public services and when combatting #ClimateChange. Time to vote for @TheGreenParty
@KarenawokeKaren @JimmyB
More people dont-vote than vote tory and many are young and left-wing
There are millions of voters who see no point voting for the same neoliberal crap but in a different colour wrapper
Labour is a policy and principle vacuum whose only offer is to be slightly less terrible
Fighting over a few tory voters and pandering to them results in 3 rightwing parties and perpetual tory rule
whether blue tories or tory-lite
#tory #socialist #LeftWing #ToryLite #PR
#tory #socialist #leftwing #torylite #pr
Starmer now backing the odious prick Streeting and takes a swipe at NHS staffers too. I hope Labour suffers in polls and that general public tells these absolute twatmuffins where to stick their party. Horrendous comments. #NHS #ToryLite
RT @GreenJennyJones
The report on @BBCr4today of @Keir_Starmer's stance on immigration seems rather #ToryLite? He's deaf to his own Members' calls for PR, for the public turning to re-enter the SM and EU, and seems as out of touch with the country as the Tories are.