A two year old boy, Awaab, has died in a home which wasn’t fit to live in.
In 2016, 309 Tory MPs voted against a law to make homes fit for human habitation because it would be ‘too costly’ for landlords.
It is worth noting that at least 72 of those MPs were, at the time of the vote, registered as landlords themselves. So in essence, they were arguing it would be too costly for themselves. #enoughisenough #ToryMPsOut #GeneralElectionNOW2022
#enoughisenough #torympsout #generalelectionnow2022
@Beanz He'll come back with a message along the lines of "and you think you've got it bad..." and we're supposed to be grateful.
#GTTO #EnoughlsEnough #DetestTories #ToryCorruption #ConservativeParty #torychaos #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis #ToryMPsOut #ToryShambles
#gtto #EnoughlsEnough #DetestTories #ToryCorruption #conservativeparty #ToryChaos #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis #torympsout #ToryShambles