Gordon Brown was warned.
#SaveTheNHS #ScottishIndependence #indyref #ToryNHSPrivatisation #Scotland
#scotland #torynhsprivatisation #indyref #scottishindependence #savethenhs
…and corrupt to the core. Every last one of the new breed of toadying #Tory
#ToryGreedCrisis #ToryTaxDodgers
#ToryNHSPrivatisation #ToryRussianMoney #ToryRussianAssets #ToryPPEscandal
#GTTO #gttoNOW
#gttonow #gtto #toryppescandal #toryrussianassets #toryrussianmoney #torynhsprivatisation #torytaxdodgers #torygreedcrisis #tory
A Conservative peer advising the government during the coronavirus pandemic helped a company secure PPE contracts worth £50m after a fellow Tory peer introduced him to the firm
#ToryCronyism #ToryNHSPrivatisation #ToryCostOfGreedCrisisUK #ToryGreed #ournhs #SaveOurNHS #ToryPPE #toryppescandal
#toryppescandal #toryppe #saveournhs #ournhs #torygreed #torycostofgreedcrisisuk #torynhsprivatisation #torycronyism
NHS Hospitals Now Advising Patients To Go Private
Maximilien Robespierre