@adrianfry Sue Grays appointment is perfectly legit. It was and is following all the correct protocols until leaked by some #ToryFascistParty sympathizer to the right wing media
#toryfascistparty #torypress #torypropaganda
Biased mainstream media coverage of the teacher's strikes have been portraying teachers as greedy. We won't fall for it. We know its the tories who are greedy! #GreedyTories #ToryGreed #ToryScum #ToryPress #MediaBias #MainstreamMedia #MainstreamMediaBias #FreeThePress @thecanaryuk
#greedytories #torygreed #toryscum #torypress #mediabias #mainstreammedia #mainstreammediabias #freethepress
I think the #toryPress would spit rancid BS to stop a #labour victory by any means necessary if a change in voting system were in the #manifesto
Do not underestimate the viciousness of cornered rats
A strong first term would lay the groundwork for a later manifesto commitment - but you must convince #labourLeaders - at cabinet level - or you will get nowhere
#torypress #Labour #manifesto #labourleaders
Not sure where you are reading about #militancy - it has always been a #rightWing word for industrial action. I was young in the 70s when there were lots of strikes & inflation & layoffs (they all go together) and do not beleive anyone EVER opts to strike because they are "militant" - that is the #toryPress rinsing their readers.
More like #desperation - plus knowing you have an excellent case
But I am not "full of dread" - the tide is clearty going out on the #UKfarRight
#Militancy #rightwing #torypress #desperation #UKfarRight