Imagine feeling so threatened by the musings of a football pundit like @GaryLineker, that you plan to legislate his silence. These are the actions of a Facist regime. #TorysOutNow
Saturday’s Express: “BBC must act to silence Lineker” #BBCPapers #TomorrowsPapersToday
#torysoutnow #bbcpapers #tomorrowspaperstoday
RT @Warren1Point
Happy #Followbackfriday everyone! I hope everybody is safe & warm during this awful cold spell! #FBPE #GTTO #Torysoutnow
#torysoutnow #gtto #fbpe #FollowBackFriday
Hope its just the nice people that join here, and all the bigots, tories, and right-wing loons stay on Twitter, so I don't have to see their rancid posts. How lovely would that be?
#torycriminalsunfittogovernlied #torysoutnow #AntiTory
Hope its just the nice people that join here, and all the bigots, tories, and right-wing loons stay on Twitter, so I don't have to see their rancid posts. How lovely would that be?
#torycriminalsunfittogovernlied #torysoutnow #AntiTory
Anybody notice that price of #fuel has went up yet again ! Am sorry but #EnoughIsEnough this country are letting big fat cats earn mega bucks yet we the #taxpayer has to suffer I think its time for a major over hall of #Westminister ! It's time this country grows a back bone and take the fight to them! Why should we suffer because of there #greed ! #torysoutnow #indy2 has ro happen ! God bless the #celtic 🍀
#celtic #indy2 #torysoutnow #greed #Westminister #taxpayer #enoughisenough #fuel