Soaring fuel bills may push 141m more into extreme poverty globally – study
Kill The Poor
Tory Policy, Always
#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToryCostofLivingCrisis #ToryCorruption #ToryTaxDodgers #GeneralElectionNow
#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToryCostofLivingCrisis #ToryCorruption #torytaxdodgers #generalelectionnow
"Edwards has donated £940,000 to the Conservative Party since 2019 and was named as the [Conservative party] treasurer last month."
"[Conservative Party CEO] Massey has donated £343,000 to the Tories, including £25,000 to Sunak’s leadership campaign."
#ToryCorruption #torycronyism #torytaxdodgers
Rishi Sunak vows to ‘restore integrity’ after sacking Nadhim Zahawi
Fellow tax dodger actually believes he has integrity… #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToryTaxDodgers #GeneralElectionNow2023
#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #torytaxdodgers #generalelectionnow2023
He can't answer because even if his own tax affairs are beyond criticism (lol), he knows what will happen if he sets a precedent of answering and then the rest of his Cabinet/govt get asked the same question.
@rishisunak had USA green card and wife has nondom status. When made public Sunak did not apologise, he ordered an enquiry into who leaked the information. This tells us everything we need to know about Sunak’s commitment to the wealthy paying their share #ToryTaxDodgers
…and corrupt to the core. Every last one of the new breed of toadying #Tory
#ToryGreedCrisis #ToryTaxDodgers
#ToryNHSPrivatisation #ToryRussianMoney #ToryRussianAssets #ToryPPEscandal
#GTTO #gttoNOW
#gttonow #gtto #toryppescandal #toryrussianassets #toryrussianmoney #torynhsprivatisation #torytaxdodgers #torygreedcrisis #tory
Buried deep on the BBC website. Would be a shame if more people clicked on it to bring it to the fore.
#ToryTaxCheat #ToryTaxEvasion #ToryTaxDodgers
#TaxDodger #Zahawi #HMRC
#torytaxcheat #torytaxevasion #torytaxdodgers #taxdodger #zahawi #hmrc
Zahawi n: A slang term for £3 million pounds e.g. “It will cost you a Zahawi” #ToryTaxDodgers
Buried deep on the BBC website. Would be a shame if more people clicked on it to bring it to the fore.
#ToryTaxCheat #ToryTaxEvasion #ToryTaxDodgers
#TaxDodger #Zahawi #HMRC
#torytaxcheat #torytaxevasion #torytaxdodgers #taxdodger #Zahawi #hmrc
'Labour rely on union bosses for their paycheques'
Membership of everyday, working people
Who do @Conservatives rely on for their paychecks?
Dodgy oligarchs, Russian billionairs, corporations.
I know who I would prefer for paycheck
RT @Conservatives
Last night, Labour voted against protecting vital public services from damaging strikes.
While Labour rely on union bosses for their …
#ToryCorruption #torytaxdodgers #torydirtymoney