Die Aufnahme, die ich gerade höre , (Cristian Macelaru) gefällt mir nicht. Also doch wieder #Toscanini 🤷
Amerikaanse soldaten in bevrijde gebieden, maar ook radiostations, die zelf geen nieuwe opnames hadden, kregen elke maand vdiscs. In september 1945 deze Notenkraker met Toscanini. Alvast, voor de kerst ☺️🧑🎄🌲
#notenkraker #kerst #toscanini #classical
Tutti sanno che #Toscanini era un pericoloso bolscevico!!
v/ @algirone@twitter.com
RT @Cataldi_Pie@twitter.com
La sera dell’11 maggio 1946, per il concerto che inaugurò la Scala ricostruita (e molte altre cose), nel palco reale Toscanini volle prendessero posto i musicisti in pensione della casa di riposo creata per loro da Verdi molti anni prima. Tutto qui. #Scala https://twitter.com/tomasomontanari/status/1600755707938484224
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Cataldi_Pie/status/1600988243151183872
Net met Jeroen heel lekker gegeten bij #toscanini . Ik dacht dat ik spreuk boven de keuken wel zo’n beetje kon ontcijferen, maar google translate geeft er toch een verrassende draai aan:
I’ve recently been listening to the #Toscanini #Beethoven symphonies from 1951 & 1952. I've not heard these in years, so I was surprised at how much I disliked them. It was a lot like listening to #Norrington. It's all like Newton's first law of motion: an object moving in a straight line at a constant velocity staying forever in a straight line at the same speed. A marble statue has more flexibility.
#toscanini #beethoven #norrington
Why do #Toscanini's recordings of #Beethoven symphonies often sound like he hates the music?
Bach, Air On The G String, Toscanini
#mastoradio #np #speechless
#Bach #Toscanini #NoWar
#mastoradio #np #speechless #bach #toscanini #nowar
Beethoven, Tutte le sinfonie!
L.V.Beethoven Complete Symphonies [ A.Toscanini NBC-SO ] (1951~3)
#mastoradio #np #Toscanini #Beethoven #NoWar
#mastoradio #np #toscanini #beethoven #nowar
TOSCANINI: 1950 Mozart Symphony No 40
#mastoradio #np #Toscanini
#MozartSinfonia40 #NoWar
#mastoradio #np #toscanini #MozartSinfonia40 #nowar
Toscanini conducts Palestine Symphony Orchestra 1936 (rare audio fragment)
Solo due minuti -
Schubert Symphony No.8
#mastoradio #np #toscanini #schubert
#mastoradio #np #toscanini #schubert
Toscanini - Beethoven Sinfonia No. 9 - L'Inno alla Gioia
#mastoradio #np #InnoAllaGioia #Toscanini #Beethoven
#mastoradio #np #InnoAllaGioia #toscanini #beethoven
Toscanini - LIVE 1948 NBC Television performance RESTORED IN STEREO - Beethoven Symphony No. 9
#mastoradio #np #Beethoven #Toscanini
#mastoradio #np #beethoven #toscanini
Arturo Toscanini Verdi "Dies irae - Requiem aeternam"
#mastoradio #np #toscanini #verdi #diesirae
#mastoradio #np #toscanini #verdi #diesirae
Verdi's Hymn of Nations - Arturo Toscanini (1943) [HQ UNCENSORED]
"Arturo Toscanini: Inno delle Nazioni", film del 1943-44 per la regia di Alexander Hammid.
Dopo la guerra il film fu censurato e distribuito senza "l'Internazionale". In questa versione il brano mancante è stato ripristinato.
#mastoradio #classicalmusic
#toscanini #arturotoscanini
#antifascismo #anfifascism
#libertà #freedom
#mastoradio #classicalmusic #anfifascism #libertà #freedom #toscanini #ArturoToscanini #antifascismo
Samuel Barber, Adagio for Strings,
nell'esecuzione dell'Orchestra Sinfonica della NBC sotto la direzione di Arturo #Toscanini; premiere mondiale, 05/11/1938.
#mastoradio #classicalmusic
#samuelbarber #barber
#arturotoscanini #NBC
#toscanini #mastoradio #classicalmusic #ArturoToscanini #nbc #samuelbarber #barber