@johbri Pretty much all of the #Firebrands games like #HeartsOfMagic #OneParticularHarbor #OceanTides #OnceMoreIntoTheVoid #MissBernburgsFinishingSchoolForYoungLadies #ForTheHonor #ToSeeWithEyesUncloudedByHate
and many more. I'd also argue that #Monsterhearts can fit that description.
#firebrands #heartsofmagic #oneparticularharbor #oceantides #oncemoreintothevoid #missbernburgsfinishingschoolforyoungladies #forthehonor #toseewitheyesuncloudedbyhate #monsterhearts
Oooh, @thegiftofgabes built some beautiful sheets in #Role for my #Firebrands hack #ToSeeWithEyesUncloudedByHate.
It always feels very unreal when someone from a distant as Brazil facilitates your game, but this feeling is instantly followed by the appreciation how great this hobby and the community is. đ
#role #firebrands #toseewitheyesuncloudedbyhate
@Bartimaeus @nacchi #ToSeeWithEyesUncloudedByHate ist so ein schönes Spiel! Hab es damals kurz vor der Veröffentlichung mit der Autorin @waytooshiny spielen dĂŒrfen und denke immer noch manchmal an unsere gemeinsame ErzĂ€hlung zurĂŒck.