#20yrsago Turn a floppy into a Klingon ship https://memex.craphound.com/2003/05/25/turn-a-floppy-into-a-klingon-ship/
#20yrsago “Facts” about printing and book-design https://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/002638.html
#20yrsago Dear Hollywood: neener neener neener https://web.archive.org/web/20030524173415/http://www.instapundit.com/archives/009672.php
#20yrsago @eff on #TotalInformationAwareness https://web.archive.org/web/20030528233343/https://www.eff.org/Privacy/TIA/20030523_tia_report_review.php
#15yrsago Villagers from three continents will confront #Chevron execs at annual meeting https://web.archive.org/web/20080520120807/https://www.chevrontoxico.com/
#20yrsago #totalinformationawareness #15yrsago #chevron
#20yrsago @bruces on #TotalInformationAwareness https://www.wired.com/2003/04/i-want-my-tia/?pg=4
#20yrsago Chinese state sends 20m SMS messages to crush #SARS rumor https://web.archive.org/web/20030618180119/http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/news/0,12597,928906,00.html
#20yrsago Found poetry from #Rumsfeld’s speeches https://web.archive.org/web/20030415133226/http://slate.msn.com/id/2081042/
#20yrsago OS X floppy disk RAID https://web.archive.org/web/20030601111810/http://ohlssonvox.8k.com/fdd_raid.htm
#15yrsago Best practices for water imbibing: “Just drink when you’re thirsty” https://www.npr.org/2008/04/03/89323934/five-myths-about-drinking-water
#20yrsago #totalinformationawareness #sars #rumsfeld #15yrsago
#Trustyworthyness and #news & #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp
#Oculus <--- _THIS_
.... Do _NOT_ go hand in hand since the 2010's, obvs. by example of past presser events and coverage.
As a #NewsDirector I would advise all #TechReporters & #Reporters in general to treat _everything_ that their #PROffice has to say as _bullshit_ UNTIL proven otherwise.
Data. Data. Data.
This leads to a successful story imo.
When people START talking about the #PoliceDepartments and #IntelligenceAgencies & #PrivateInvestigators & #Lawyers in the room, only _then_, when looked at through the lens of #WhitelistedCrimePrograms that the above engage in ON THIS PLATFORM like the #CounterIntelligence part THEN things START to make sense a bit more post #TotalInformationAwareness #TIA wise. Init?
I will cite one program #ChurchCommittee finding from 1975 and challenge a revisit of these hearings the in the 2020's. Same Exec Summary just add some more names basically. 🧐
#trustyworthyness #news #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #oculus #newsdirector #techreporters #reporters #proffice #policedepartments #intelligenceagencies #privateinvestigators #lawyers #whitelistedcrimeprograms #counterintelligence #totalinformationawareness #tia #ChurchCommittee
#Trustyworthyness and #news & #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp
#Oculus <--- _THIS_
.... Do _NOT_ go hand in hand since the 2010's, obvs. by example of past presser events and coverage.
As a #NewsDirector I would advise all #TechReporters & #Reporters in general to treat _everything_ that their #PROffice has to say as _bullshit_ UNTIL proven otherwise.
Data. Data. Data.
This leads to a successful story imo.
When people START talking about the #PoliceDepartments and #IntelligenceAgencies & #PrivateInvestigators & #Lawyers in the room, only _then_, when looked at through the lens of #WhitelistedCrimePrograms that the above engage in ON THIS PLATFORM like the #CounterIntelligence part THEN things START to make sense a bit more post #TotalInformationAwareness #TIA wise. Init?
#trustyworthyness #news #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #oculus #newsdirector #techreporters #reporters #proffice #policedepartments #intelligenceagencies #privateinvestigators #lawyers #whitelistedcrimeprograms #counterintelligence #totalinformationawareness #tia