Dilbert Stark¹ #TotallyLooksLike Eldon Tyrell²
¹ Off-world colony enabler , and creator of machines that will unfortunately require development of near-human intelligence to function effectively
² Off-world colony enabler, and creator of machines that unfortunately developed near-human intelligence to function effectively
Product pitcher on #SharkTank #ScottyTrujillo #totallyLooksLike #actor #MarkJackson (#Isaac on #theorville )
https://meaww.com/shark-tank-why-did-copy-keyboard-fail-to-impress-sharks-robert-herjavec-calls-product-crap (picture from https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fabc30.com%2Ffresno-man-ceo-of-copykeyboard-shark-tank-scotty-trujillo%2F12745363%2F&psig=AOvVaw2sYPVFqFTiQeeQlu0hTNCG&ust=1675048496200000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjhxqFwoTCNjJz4bo6_wCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAS)
https://orville.fandom.com/wiki/Mark_Jackson and https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2961481/mediaviewer/rm4075779072/ and https://wehaveahulk.co.uk/interview-mark-jackson-on-the-orville-season-2/ (source of image)
#sharktank #scottytrujillo #totallylookslike #actor #markjackson #isaac #theorville
We were just watching the #PBSNewsHour. Segment was about the need for #KeepingGunsAwayFromKids.
#PBS guest #JoshSugarmann of the #ViolencePolicyCenter #TotallyLooksLike actor #RichardHatch (who played #Apollo in the original #BattlestarGalactica #BSG).
#pbsnewshour #keepinggunsawayfromkids #pbs #joshsugarmann #violencepolicycenter #totallylookslike #richardhatch #apollo #battlestargalactica #bsg
aliens or baby owls...
#aliens #babyowls #owls #totallylookslike #animatedgif
aliens or baby owls...
#aliens #babyowls #owls #totallylookslike #animatedgif
aliens or baby owls...
#aliens #babyowls #owls #totallylookslike #animatedgif
looking up at the salsa class...
#lookingup #feet #silhouette #totallylookslike #ants #underneath #dancing #salsa #class #animatedgif
#ants #class #animatedgif #silhouette #lookingup #feet #totallylookslike #underneath #dancing #salsa
looking up at the salsa class...
#lookingup #feet #silhouette #totallylookslike #ants #underneath #dancing #salsa #class #animatedgif
#lookingup #feet #silhouette #totallylookslike #ants #underneath #dancing #salsa #class #animatedgif
looking up at the salsa class...
#lookingup #feet #silhouette #totallylookslike #ants #underneath #dancing #salsa #class #animatedgif
#lookingup #feet #silhouette #totallylookslike #ants #underneath #dancing #salsa #class #animatedgif
juno footage of the dolphin on jupiter...
#nasa #juno #footage #totallylookslike #dolphin #jupiter #animatedgif
#nasa #dolphin #juno #footage #totallylookslike #jupiter #animatedgif
juno footage of the dolphin on jupiter...
#nasa #juno #footage #totallylookslike #dolphin #jupiter #animatedgif
#nasa #juno #footage #totallylookslike #dolphin #jupiter #animatedgif
juno footage of the dolphin on jupiter...
#nasa #juno #footage #totallylookslike #dolphin #jupiter #animatedgif
#nasa #juno #footage #totallylookslike #dolphin #jupiter #animatedgif
coca cola jellyfish...
#drink #liquid #jellyfish #totallylookslike #cocacola #shirt #animatedgif
#drink #liquid #jellyfish #totallylookslike #cocacola #shirt #animatedgif
coca cola jellyfish...
#drink #liquid #jellyfish #totallylookslike #cocacola #shirt #animatedgif
#drink #liquid #jellyfish #totallylookslike #cocacola #shirt #animatedgif
coca cola jellyfish...
#drink #liquid #jellyfish #totallylookslike #cocacola #shirt #animatedgif
#drink #liquid #jellyfish #animatedgif #totallylookslike #cocacola #shirt
she's a maniac, maniac...
#flamingo #footwork #dancing #totallylookslike #flashdance #animatedgif
#flamingo #footwork #totallylookslike #flashdance #animatedgif #dancing