Still torn with indecision, much like i was from Day 1 of my #Fosstodon-in-browser experience.
Shall i use:
- Fosstodon's own Dark theme?
- Dark Reader on
- Stylus with my own CSS on
- Combinations?
So far, each is imperfect, ergo, i still periodically change from one to next, to next, to...
#FirstWorldProblems #GetAGrip #TotalPerspectiveVortex #FairyCake #YouAreHere
#fosstodon #firstworldproblems #getagrip #totalperspectivevortex #fairycake #youarehere
@Silversnapples But did you nonetheless manage to extrapolate the whole of creation -- every Galaxy, every sun, every planet, their orbits, their compositions, and their economic and social histories -- from it? (-:
#totalperspectivevortex #HHGTTG
@kris007tine Congratulations, you have just experienced the #TotalPerspectiveVortex... Your existential crisis will begin in... 3... 2... 1... @wonderofscience
Going on social media feels to me a bit like stepping into the #TotalPerspectiveVortex (I thought it was Infinite, but apparently it's Total.)