I think I've seen this before. #TotalRecall
#AllStarTrek #VOY @allstartrek #FriendshipOne
#totalrecall #AllStarTrek #VOY #friendshipone
HeatHack: I've hung my quilt from the roof to keep the sun out of my office in the hope that I can cool it enough to make coding possible.
True #hacker!
This involves a brick, a stone Buddha and a woodworking clamp to create a gap for the tiny amount of breeze out there.
I could cook on my #narrowboat roof today, which the #MetOffice said would be overcast.
Now considering the wet towel popularised by Arnie in #TotalRecall.
#hacker #Narrowboat #metoffice #totalrecall
Gizmodo: Self-Driving Car in San Francisco Gets Stuck in Wet Concrete https://gizmodo.com/cruise-self-driving-car-sf-stuck-in-wet-concrete-1850744450 #emergingtechnologies #vehicularautomation #disasteraccident #electricvehicles #selfdrivingcar #totalrecall #alphabetinc #paulharvey #robotics #cruising #robotaxi #driving #twitter #gizmodo #cruise #total #waymo #uber
#emergingtechnologies #vehicularautomation #disasteraccident #electricvehicles #selfdrivingcar #totalrecall #alphabetinc #paulharvey #robotics #cruising #robotaxi #driving #twitter #gizmodo #cruise #total #waymo #uber
In my own head canon the Philip K. Dick short story infects the logic of the movie which leaves you with two very different interpretations.
1 - The reality of the situation is so fantastic that no conventional story logic can invalidate it (anything that you would interpret as clues are just independent coincidences or reversed logic)
2 - If you can't accept #1 then absolutely nothing can be trusted
Viewed this way it's a superior #PKD experience imho
#SciFi #movies #totalrecall
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale
#pkd #scifi #movies #totalrecall
Action movies released in 1990…pick your favorite.
#totalrecall #darkman #thehuntforredoctober #daysofthunder #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #actionmovies
ReWatch-Tage #PaulVerhoeven-#ScienceFiction-Trio.
Kann mich nicht entscheiden, ob ich #Robocop oder #StarshipTroopers lieber mag / bedeutender finde; weiß nur, dass ich #TotalRecall für den vergleichsweise ›läppischsten‹ der drei halte.
Aber! »The Mutant« (Open your mind … Flashback in Mutantenumarmung … das Innere der Pyramide … die zyklopische Konverteranlage) ist mit Abstand die beste #Mukke der ›Trio‹ und eins von #JerryGoldsmith|s feinsten Stücken überhaupt. https://youtu.be/cUYD248WbPs
#paulverhoeven #sciencefiction #robocop #starshiptroopers #totalrecall #Mukke #JerryGoldsmith
The last picture reminds me of the four-fingered alien handprint from the machine in the original Total Recall movie, with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
#totalrecall #arnoldschwarzenegger
Total Recall
They should definitely remake this movie, but instead of dream implantation, all the mindfucks would have been implemented with #generative #AI
Hell.. Might even get Arnold to appear in it!
#generative #ai #scifi #remakes #totalrecall #classics #Arnold
It won’t be torture when you join Christian Sci-Fi Night with Professor K. We watch classic/current sci-fi and discuss from a Christian perspective.
@bookstodon @religion #Bookstodon #ChristianSciFiNightWithProfessorK #ChristianSciFi #AmWritingScienceFiction #SecretSciFiNetwork #JasonWilliamKarpf #Jesus #TotalRecall #Schwarzenegger
#bookstodon #christianscifinightwithprofessork #christianscifi #amwritingsciencefiction #secretscifinetwork #jasonwilliamkarpf #jesus #totalrecall #schwarzenegger
@dzombie "Two Weeks ..." (Pretty sure that's malfunctioning futuristic mask speak for Good mornin'!) 😁👍📼
On May 31, 1990, Total Recall premiered in Los Angeles. Here’s some Johnny Cab fan art to celebrate!
#TotalRecall #ActionMovies #PaulVerhoeven #SciFiMovies #SciFi #ScienceFiction #90sMovies #DystopiansciFi #SciFiMovies #DystopianFilm #PhilipKDick #SciFIArt #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#totalrecall #actionmovies #paulverhoeven #scifimovies #scifi #sciencefiction #90smovies #DystopianSciFi #dystopianfilm #philipkdick #scifiart #movieart #art #moviehistory
Ich schaue mir gerade #TotalRecall mit #schwarzenegger an und muss sagen auf den ersten Blick wirkt er wie ein einfaches Action Spektakel, ist es aber nicht.
Check out this week's D&D third party new releases! Please subscribe and share if you can.
#dnd #dnd5E #ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #opendnd #everydayheroes #totalrecall
#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #opendnd #everydayheroes #totalrecall
SciFi movies released in 1990...pick your favorite.
#Movies #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#robocop2 #totalrecall #predator2 #backtothefuturepartiii #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
"Connect the rainbow, Quaid..." #grickledoodle #muppets #kermit #totalrecall #cartoon #MastoArt #drawing
#Drawing #MastoArt #Cartoon #totalrecall #kermit #muppets #grickledoodle
Jerry Goldsmith's soundtrack for TOTAL RECALL still slaps, yo.
"Get your muppet to Mars." #grickledoodle #kermit #totalrecall #muppets #scifi #cartoon #art #drawing
#Drawing #Art #Cartoon #SciFi #muppets #totalrecall #kermit #grickledoodle
Episode 429 – Virtual Vacations For Dummies
On the #podcast this week the boys talk #mrrobot and #netflix along with some gripes about #streaming, managing #socialmedia and thinking about #twitch, how to handle our #patreon and having a #virtualreality vacation a la #totalrecall
#podcast #mrrobot #netflix #streaming #socialmedia #twitch #patreon #virtualreality #totalrecall