Ryuno-Ki · @RyunoKi
746 followers · 15483 posts · Server layer8.space

That sounds like an amazing subject for a PhD! Will it be public at some point?

Could the 10.88m be caused by some small difference in the angle?
Like, if the camera wasn't mounted properly enough?
I couldn't tell the distance from the camera to the tree easily.
But doing some math of what degree of change in angle would be required for, say, 10m of difference sounds like worth the time.

#forest #phd #tree #photogrammetry #totalstation

Last updated 1 year ago

FredPlus10 · @vatbub
10 followers · 71 posts · Server layer8.space

10.88m - not great, not terrible! What you see here is a 3D scan of the contraption that I installed in the for my where I try to track how the moves in the wind using and some, let's say preliminary results. I did some reference measurements using a which are the pink points you can see in the tree and the pink points on the right, which is the location where my tracking system believes the tree to be.

#totalstation #photogrammetry #tree #phd #forest

Last updated 1 year ago

KukerRanken · @KukerRanken
0 followers · 1 posts · Server techhub.social