I don't know how many here are fan of #totalwar or its #totalwarwarhammer trilogy, but as a #videogamer I want to make my voice heard.
The new pricing model for DLCs adopted by #creativeassembly and #sega is just a robbery, no post saying "our costs are up" can excuse a 150% price increase compared to the old pricing model. Inflation is real, but not at this level.
If you're a fan of #totalwarwarhammer3 please consider avoid future DLCs (SoC included) until CA/SEGA go back to old pricing.
#totalwar #totalwarwarhammer #videogamer #creativeassembly #sega #totalwarwarhammer3
Finita la prima campagna coi nani del chaos di #totalWarWarhammer
Bella la nuova fazione, unisce il bello dei nani "classici" alla varietà strategica dell'avere anche cavalleria, magia e mostriciattoli vari. Unica nota: secondo me l'artiglieria e gli archibugi sono un po' overpowered. 3 mortai/hellcannon, 3 archibugeri e sciogli qualunque cosa prima che arrivi alle tue prime linee.
Mi rimane qualche dubbio sul prezzo del DLC. 25 euri di DLC per un gioco che ne costa 60 secondo me è troppo.
Sat here wondering what my first “toot” should be, then decided I should just stop thinking about it and do it. Hello out there! I’m here to learn, absorb your #cat photos, and maybe discuss #videogames like #ElderScrollsOnline #FFXIV #TotalWarWarhammer and more. I’m sure other stuff will tickle my fancy but you know, you have to start somewhere!
#totalwarwarhammer #ffxiv #elderscrollsonline #videogames #cat
Ho iniziato una campagna coi nani del chaos e posso tranquillamente dire che dell'economia di questa fazione non ci ho ancora capito una mazza.
Doing them by the series rather than singular game.
# MegamanBattleNetwork
#goldensun #talesof #darksouls #totalwarwarhammer #deadcells #thebindingofisaac #7gamestoknowme